The Polish opposition criticizes Donald Tusk for breaking the law. Politicians note Illegal changes in public media and the General Prosecutor's Office. These opinions are supported by Hungarian Fidesz MPs.

“Everyone can easily imagine (…) what actions the European Commissioner for Values ​​and Transparency, Vera Jurova, would take if this situation existed in Budapest during Viktor Orbán's rule,” Hungarian politicians wrote in a letter addressed to the European Union. European Commission.

The Hungarians emphasize that Brussels exhibits “outrageous double standards”. The MEPs emphasized that in recent years, the European Commission has repeatedly criticized Hungary regarding press freedom and democracy.

“How does the European Commission intend to ensure that respect for the rule of law is measured by the same yardstick for all member states, regardless of their governments and political positions?” – Fidesz politicians ask.

Illegal actions of the government

It turned out that the experts who indicated the suspicious nature of the new government's actions were right, because The National Court Registry refused to register new members of Telewizja Polska's Supervisory Board The Minister of Culture Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz and Tomasz Sigut appointed him as the president of the company.

In turn, on Friday, the Warsaw court rejected the application to enter the new management of Polish Radio into the national court register. The Referendum referred to the 1995 decision of the Constitutional Tribunal in its reasoning, which states that “the principle of independence of public radio and television broadcasting takes a clear form when its position in relation to the government and its subordinate structures is considered. .”

President Andrzej Duda claims that the actions of the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, regarding the changes to the position of the National Prosecutor are illegal, because according to the Act, this is the competence of the Prime Minister and the Prosecutor General. Cooperation with the President. Meanwhile, Bodnar made the decision independently, ignoring the requirements of the act.

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Orban at the head of the European Council? An unexpected news from Brussels
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