In TVN24's “Kropka nad I” there was a fight between Deputy Minister Katažina Lubnauer and PiS MP Kamil Bortnichuk. Changes introduced by the Minister of Culture, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, were the reason for the tension of Monika Oleinik's guests.

on Wednesday's (3/01) edition of the cult current program Monika Oleinik It literally boiled over. All this happened because of a sharp exchange of opinions between the Deputy Minister of Education who came to the TV studio Katzina Lubnauer (KO) and PiS deputy Kamil Bortnichuk. It was about changes in public media.

Fight in “Kropka Nad I”.

– I really want the free media in Poland to notice how Minister Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz violates the constitution, Bortnichuk said on the air.

However, the former head of the Ministry of Sports did not want to answer the question whether he supported the huge salaries of “TVP” employees during his government. united right. It includes: About Millions of earnings of the former heads of the television news agency – Michal Adamczyk (PLN 1,500,237 gross) and Jaroslav Olechovski (PLN 1,424,075 gross). Moreover, it was difficult for the politician to speak as the deputy head of the Ministry of National Education more than once.

“Can you stop this man”?

– I have the impression that Adamchik's high salary is exactly what the president thinks about the role of the media. They are paid to protect the vulnerable, said Lubnauer.

Bortnichuk replied that the conversation was not about “the quality of public media.” The situation was getting more and more tense.

– Can you stop this man talking while I'm talking? – the politician addressed the anchor. – Shut up, the children are watching – Bortnichuk did not give up.

– The children looked at Kozakiewicz's gesture, and now they learned from the Minister of Sports that it is a normal gesture, – Oleinik interrupted the deputy and pointed to the behavior. Mariusz Kaminski The Sejm, which made the above-mentioned gesture towards the members of the ruling coalition, showed what it thinks about the expiry of the mandate by the speaker of the Sejm. Shimon Holavnia.

What is Kozakiewicz's gesture about?

Reminder: December 21 In the evening, Mariusz Kaminski and… Maciej Wąsik. It was a surprise, because the law and justice deputies were sentenced to two years in prison, so the Speaker of the Seimas terminated their mandate. Then, in the plenary hall, the vice-president of PiS showed the so-called Kozakiewicz's gesture.

The gesture of crossing the arms perpendicularly comes from the French “bras d'honneur”. It is widely considered obscene and highly offensive in expression due to its reference to the phallus.

The gesture is combined Vladislav Kozakiewiczwho made the aforementioned move to the Soviet audience during the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow.

Shortly before, the Polish athlete performed a very successful jump at a height of 5.70 m and a height of 5.75 m, later the Pole jumped again, this time at a height of 5.78 m, which won. olympic gold medal At the same time the establishment world record.

Also read:,kaminski-w-sejmie-pokazal-poslom-gest-kozakiewicza

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