On Monday evening, the guests of Monika Oleinik's program “Kropka nad i” were the Deputy Minister of Justice Krzysztof Szymishek of the left and the former minister of the PiS government Mykhalo Wojcik. However, the conversation was inaccessible to the audience, as sometimes the arguments of the invited politicians could not be heard. Arguments and shouting started at the beginning of the program.

Fight on the Monica Oleynik show. Wójcik vs. Śmiszek

First, the politicians were divided by Prof. Stanislav Valtos, author of a book titled “Criminal Trial: An Outline of the System,” which Wojcik accused of changing the mind of his textbooks on when a pardon is available. Shmishek accused the politician of insulting the scientist. In response, he was told that he does not know the basics of law.

– Minister, please read the student handbook. I brought you pages – Wojcik said, reminding that he was the Minister of Justice for five years, but only three months there.

The journalist attacked the PiS politician in the TVN program. “Controversies?”

Then Monika Oleynik brought up the topic Parliamentary mandates of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik. Then the real fight began. Politicians did not allow themselves to speak.

Wojciech kept pointing out that Szmichek didn't know the rules. The PiS politician also criticized the members of the European Parliament, calling its members “crazy from Brussels”.

– Let me remind you that you are members of the European Parliament and for some reason you did not come out and you are receiving money from these crazy people from Brussels. It is not appropriate… – Oleinik intervened.

– We entered another union, we are in another union – defended Michal Wojcik.

PiS protest in defense of free media. This angered the host of “Kropka nad i”.

The PiS deputy called on those who wish to participate March 11 organized by PiS. He addressed both the audience and Krzysztof Szymišek.

– You are welcome, it doesn't matter whether you like PiS/Sovereign Poland or not. You too, because today you contributed to the authoritarian system in life, he said.

He emphasized that the protest was organized to protect democracy and free media, which angered Monika Oleynik.

– Free media, are you kidding me?! – he responded.

Monika Olejnik accused Wojciech of not letting her say anything, but she heard back the same thing. Krzysztof Šimišek also tried to address this issue

– But can you last 4 seconds? I don't ask for 30 seconds anymore! – he turned to Wojcik.

– No, no, no, because I'm afraid that anarchy is in Poland! I'm a little older than you, you know? And I know different times, I remember communist times – answered the PiS politician.

The mutual shouting of the MPs and the journalist continued until the end of the program.

Also read:
TVN journalists pool on Telewizja Polska. They hold important positions
Also read:
Kaminski and Vesik should be arrested. There is a reaction from PiS

(tags translated)monika oilnik

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