Donald Tusk gave his first post-election interview to TVN, Polsat and TVP. Anita Werner questioned the liberalization of the abortion law before the 12th week of pregnancy. The Prime Minister answered honestly, what is the situation. He also referred to the doctors. – To put it simply: whoever refuses to help a woman should be afraid – he said.

Donald Tusk candid about abortion. “I was not convinced by our project”

Donald Tusk was asked about the liberalization of the anti-abortion law. The head of the Civil Platform did not hide the fact that Władysław Kosiniak-Kamish and Shimon Holownia did not want to support the proposals of the Civil Coalition and the Left.

– Regarding the right to legal abortion before the 12th week, in order to submit a complete set of documents to the Seimas, the civil coalition will present its project, which provides this right, of course, until the 12th week. Under certain conditions, but we are talking about safe and legal abortion, he said.

– Will there be a majority in this Sejm? Holovnia and Kosiniak-Kamisz did not hide the fact that they had different views on this issue and received 15 percent of them – he added, emphasizing: – No one who voted for the Polish People's Party and Poland 2050 had any doubts. They advocated returning to the so-called compromise and then calling a referendum.

– Because I didn't convince you to accept our project, that's it We should try to pass the Seimas. Will there be a majority vote on this? If the third way does not change its mind, probably not – he said.

Doctors are responsible for performing abortions

As Prime Minister Tusk added, after the changes introduced by PiS, doctors were reluctant to perform abortions, even if there was a risk of losing a woman's life or health.

– We are currently working to ensure that regardless of what happens with the laws practice in hospitals has changed radically. There will be regulations and recommendations that doctors will be responsible for women's safety, the Prime Minister said.

– To put it simply: whoever refuses to help a woman should be afraid – he concluded.

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