How do you assess the scandal caused by the speaker of the Sejm, Szymon Holovnia, regarding the requests related to the appointment of judges and the decision-making chamber in the case of Kaminski and Vesik?

Radoslav Fogiel: Mr. Marshall has really gone too far. He must have made a mistake. It is unacceptable for Marshall to try to elect a specific chamber of the Supreme Court instead of submitting a letter or sending it to the first President of the Supreme Court. The Speaker is only an intermediary between the Supreme Court and the petitioner. It does not decide where the complaint should go. In addition, we have an innovative formula in which the Director of the Marshal's Office forwards the letter to a specific Supreme Court Justice. It's definitely off the charts. Marshall really exceeded his competence. In addition, as we understand, Shimon Holovnia expressed his expectations towards the jury – he inadvertently admitted this at the press conference. We are dealing with inconvenience.

Interestingly, the same chamber that considered the PiS MPs made a decision in favor of Holovnia's party on the issue of campaign financing, which was rejected by the National Election Commission.

This is interesting, because at that time the composition and the chamber did not bother the speaker. Moreover, in a few days the same chamber will decide the validity of the parliamentary elections, that is, Shimon Holovnia's mandate and indirectly, whether he can be the Speaker of the Seimas. Will he question this decision? It is clear that this approach is based only on the current interests of one's own political group. It has nothing to do with the rule of law, about which we have heard so much from today's majority, but has turned out to be only an empty slogan and decoration. They act according to the words of Donald Tusk. They want to apply the law as they understand it and apply it as it applies.

Does PiS expect MPs Kaminski and Wąsik to vote in the Sejm?

Let's start with the fact that there should not be a trial in this case, because both men were pardoned by the president. This is the prerogative of the President and is not subject to verification. Topic is closed. This entire trial and the guilty verdict are ineffective and illegal, so the MPs have no reason to lose their mandate. The Supreme Court commented on this case and annulled the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas. We expect that Ministers Wąsik and Kaminski will be allowed to vote, as voters prefer them to hold parliamentary seats.

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