Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik on Tuesday They were arrested by the police and was taken into custody. The case has caused great controversy, as well as questions about the legality of the actions of the prosecutor's office, courts and police officers.

Law and Justice considers that the termination of the parliamentary mandates of Kaminski and Vesik and their preservation is illegal. The government coalition responds that the final judgment has been passed on the case of PiS politicians.

We remind you that on December 20, 2023, the court sentenced Mariusz Kaminski, the former head of the CBA, the coordinator of secret services and the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, and his former deputy Maciej Vasik to 2 years of absolute imprisonment. The so-called land scandal of the activityAlthough in 2015 President Andrzej Duda used the amnesty law against them (after the indefinite sentence).

PiS politicians do not recognize either the court verdict or the decision to terminate the parliamentary mandate.

Komorowski: Kaminski and Wąsik are ordinary criminals

– I don't think they will even serve a two-year sentence. Because President Andrzej Duda will soon face his fellow party colleagues in a situation where, by misusing the pardon law (…), he will sentence them to prison terms, just like the court that imposed the sentence. Therefore, I believe that he will change his position and pardon both of them properly. And after all the procedures, Mr. Kaminski and Mr. Vesik will be released from prison – said Bronislav Komorowski in an interview with Interia portal.

– Messrs. Kaminski and Wąsik are ordinary criminals and ordinary prisoners. They ended up behind bars for violating the laws of a democratic state, abusing power, falsifying documents and inciting others to violate the law. In a word: they are in prison for absolutely reprehensible things that have nothing to do with politics. Even if they thought they were serving a cause, it was the party's cause, not Poland's, says the former president.

The case of Kaminski and Vesik. Presidential pardon

The head of the presidential office, Gražina Ignacak-Bandić, said last week that the first pardon remains in force, which is why the head of state does not intend to make a similar decision again in the case of Kaminski and Vesic.

– The president's pardon is legal. When the president made this decision in 2015, there was a very thorough review of the government's position. Opinions were divided, but there were also very serious voices that clearly indicated that the pardon is the so-called Individual cancellation – explained Malgorzata Paprocka from the President's Office on Zet Radio.

Also read:
Radio Zet journalists celebrate Kaminski's arrest. An embarrassing note has found its way onto the Internet
Also read:
“Detention is legal on all sides.” A sudden voice from the presidential palace

(translate tags) Komorovsky

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