As he emphasized, when I think of Benedict, I remember the image of a good father, always attentive and polite, never scolding in his gentleness.

– I remember I made a mistake once and apologized at the end of the day, and in the evening, when I said goodbye before going to sleep, I apologized again. He said: “No, Father Alfred, you have already apologized and I have accepted, so there is no need to apologize anymore,” recalled Morocco's current apostolic nuncio.

He adds that this example has taught him to be gentle and willing to forget any mistakes once someone shows remorse.

Former secretary of Benedict XVI on the abdication of the Pope

Archbishop Xueres was close to Benedict XVI at the time he decided to abdicate. Despite this, the hierarch learned about it only 15 days before Public announcement of resignation. “I was shocked because I never imagined such a decision, but of course I agreed,” he told the Pope's radio station.

He added that Benedict was very cheerful at the time, even on the day of his resignation. – Of course, I cried and said during dinner: “Holy Father, you were very funny.” And he firmly answered: “Yes,” recalls Archbishop Xueres. This peace was shared by Pope Castel Gandolfo as the Church passed through the conclave.

A former papal secretary notes that Benedict XVI's intention was to disappear into a monastery, living a completely hidden life. – However, Pope Francis has requested several times that Benedict join him at certain moments, for example, St. Mikael in the Vatican gardens or in different constories – Reverend Zurebi recalls. – Francis emphasized: “Even we appreciate your presence; This can also be a lesson for us.”

Also read:
Anniversary of the death of Benedict XVI. Pope Francis remembers his predecessor

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