I recently read the following texts:
“The new Director General of State Forests will be Mr. Witold Kos, a well-known forester from West Pomeranian Voivodeship, once a regional director,” Tusk said. – This is due to the fact that the current director, Josef Kubica, a specialist in the partisanization of state forests on an unprecedented scale in the history of European forests, will be dismissed from the position of adviser to the provincial assembly in these few days. , after the relevant decisions of the meeting – he said.
And: “But let's face it, I will directly ask President Andrzej Duda – what made him give the highest state award to Mr. Pietrzak, who has been making such statements for years. This is not an accident at work, this is not it. Mr. Pietrzak suddenly did something wrong and overnight he became an anti-Semite or a person with such extreme, negative views, he has been presenting exactly this kind of thinking for years (…) not only this was tolerated by many, commentators, so-called authorities. It was not only tolerated by the government, but rewarded by the government. This highest award of Mr. Pietrzak, which he received from President Duda, is the most spectacular illustration of this. Folks, these types of views have been rewarded and promoted in Poland for the last few years, supported by the President, Prime Minister Morawiecki, President Kaczynski. So we are still witnesses and, in a sense, victims of this disgusting language. Not from the public media, but this voice is still quite loud.”
Mr. Donald Tusk… Entschuldigung: Genosse Donald Tusk, oder vielleicht Standgericht? Oder Volksgerichtshof?