On Tuesday evening, PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesic were arrested and sentenced to two years in prison. Politicians from the PiS club are still being held in a pre-trial detention center in Warsaw's Grohów district, including: Mariusz Gosek. He tried to enter the isolation ward, but no one wanted to let him in. The vacillating politician then shouted words that exposed PiS's idea of ​​overthrowing the new government.

In front of the gates of the Grokhov Detention Center are members of the PiS club, or rather Sovereign Poland Michal Woś and Mariusz Gosek. – They said three or four times that they would let the MPs in with the intervention of the Parliament, but then they changed their minds. Someone must have called with orders, after all, these are officers who report to Justice Minister Bodnar, Vosch told the media.

Politicians of sovereign Poland appeared during the arrest in Grohov

In turn, Mariusz Gosek used the intercom to call the prison gate. – 31 (January-ed.) is the end, the budget was not received! You cannot arrest a deputy with immunity! – politician Zbigniew Ziobro told the device. There were also words about jumping the prison gates.

Let's remember that Sessions of the Seimas scheduled for this week were cancelled. Deputies were supposed to continue working on the 2024 state budget, however, one of the reasons for the cancellation of the meetings is the chaos related to the expiration of the mandates of the detained PiS deputies – Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic. .

Therefore, the question arises whether the Seimas will be able to meet the budget on time. If this had not happened, Andrzej Duda could have held new parliamentary elections. We write about it in detail here.

Is Kaczynski trying for early elections?

Moreover, PiS President Jaroslaw Kaczynski may “play” for the overthrow of the new government and early elections. A political scientist from the University of Wroclaw spoke about this recently. Prof. Anna Pacheshniak.

– Early elections would end badly for PiS, theoretically, Jaroslaw Kaczynski should not even think about them. However, in politics, things are different, although it seems that only the voters are irrational, and the political leader always keeps his cool. “I suspect that if a decision was made on early elections on Novogrodzka Street, Andrzej Duda will try to implement it under any pretext he can find, although failure will weigh on his account,” says the “GW” expert.

However, he emphasized that “Jaroslav Kaczynski still has such a strong position in the party that he could carry out a suicide project.” – It seems to me that no, it is clearly losing its power, more and more energy is spent on defending its position in the party. He is publicly protested, which has never happened before. I think on January 11 we will see what Kaczynski's power is and what he can convince his supporters, he said.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/535154,czy-sejm-zdazy-uchwalic-budzet-najblizsze-posieczenia-odwolane

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