Tusk promised us a smiling Poland. Today they can probably smile the most in Minsk and Moscow?

Malgorzata Gosiewska: And in Tbilisi too. Unfortunately, we follow the Georgian project. Donald Tusk's threat to President Andrzej Duda is very reminiscent of what happened in Georgia over a period of time, which ended with the Ivanishvili regime's imprisonment of Saakashvili to this day. It is really similar to what is happening in the East – in Belarus, Russia and Georgia. I never thought that I would live in such a time. I used to see political prisoners in these countries, but I did not think that the time would come when we would see political prisoners in Poland. It's hard to believe. In addition, our colleagues, on the instructions of Donald Tusk, were taken out of the presidential palace illegally entered by the police without presenting documents, because he is responsible. Dramatic events, the saddest night in Polish democracy in recent years. I'm afraid we're only going to have more difficult times ahead, so we have to be strong against this, because if we don't do it now, it can only get worse.

Marshall Hollow is the political face of the events of the last days, but is he perhaps somehow being used by Donald Tusk?

I recently listened to a column that contained a profound insight into the behavior of mafia bosses towards potential new recruits: they must engage in crime in order to ruthlessly tie them down so they don't get out. Donald Tusk has implicated his coalition partners in crime. They are now passive pawns, determined to act and cooperate with the regime.

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(tags translated)małgorzata gosiewska

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