Yaroslav Govin is to be submitted to the commission of inquiry Envelope elections on Tuesday, January 9, at 1:00 p.m.

– Govin was one of the few members of the government who pointed out that both envelope elections and what the government was doing were unconstitutional. We are interested in the “kitchen” behind illegal decision-making. I hope that Govin will reveal the behind the scenes of the whole process – said the Chairman of the Investigative Committee, Dariush Jonski from the Civil Coalition in an interview with “Super Express”.

“Political Firearms”, “Private Business”

– Yaroslav Govin should bring a political firearm on Tuesday, not to use the word “bomb”. As far as I know, the former Vice Prime Minister has been preparing for this for a long time. Maybe he will bring to the committee a strong story about the most important PiS politicians, one of the members of the investigative committee on the envelope elections told “SE”.

– The truth is that Mr. Govin had his own personal interest in blocking postal elections, because he was applying for the position of Speaker of the Seimas. Today, he has an interest in reaching an agreement with Donald Tusk and returning to active politics. And it is a pity that the most important decisions that Govin made in his career were guided only by his personal interests, his ambitions and his ego – said Valdemar Buda, a member of the PiS envelope election commission.

Envelope election. Investigative Commission

We remind you that the elections for the post of the President of the Republic of Poland were to be held in May 2020. The so-called COVID-19 pandemic was named as the reason. However, in the end, envelope voting was abandoned. The elections were held traditionally. The cost of the unrealized project – according to press reports – reached PLN 70 million.

At the beginning of December, the Seimas passed Creation of investigative committee on envelope elections. The commission should investigate “whether the organization and preparation of the elections caused the unfavorable management of the finances of the state treasury.” In addition to former Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Govin, the commission will hear among others: former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, former Minister of State Property Jacek Sassin, former Head of Internal Affairs and Administration Mariusz Kaminski, former Head of the Prime Minister's Office Michalo Dworczyk and PiS President Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

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Great emotions in the commission of inquiry. Felix: I was threatened
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