According to the newspaper “Rzeczpospolita”, the prosecutor's office has recently started an investigation against Grzegorz Braun, Kaya Godek and Laura Lipinska, who broke into the buildings of the Ministry of Health in August 2023 “with the intervention of the parliament”. The police had to respond to the case.

Godek and Brown broke into the ministry

The Warsaw-Shrodmieski District Prosecutor's Office is conducting an investigation into the violation of the privacy of the house by Confederation MP Grzegorz Brown, the spokesperson of the Warsaw District Prosecutor's Office said. Shimon Bana In an interview with

It refers to the situation from August 2023, when a Confederate politician and proliferator Kaja Godek They broke into the headquarters Ministry of Health. First, together with the accompanying activists, they demanded the appointment of Minister Katarzyna Soika's office, and then they started looking for Minister Nidzielski's office.

The politician explained the situation “Parliamentary intervention”. The couple wanted access to the team's documentation, which was supposed to prepare detailed guidelines on what to do if a pregnant woman's health and life were in danger.

in the whole matter The police intervened. This resulted in extensive media coverage, and recordings of the incident quickly circulated on the Internet. According to “Rzeczpospolita”, Kaja Godek She has already been charged, as has another activist, Laura Lipinska.

– This is probably the first time when, at the request of the Parliament, people are persecuted for participating in the parliamentary intervention. This is a signal that bypassing the abortion law is a particularly important topic… Ministry of HealthUnder the old or new management, Godek commented to the newspaper.

More trouble for Brown

The politician of the confederation enjoyed great interest of the prosecutor's office in recent times. Let's remember that Brown On December 12, he held a scandalous “show”. in Seim with a fire extinguisher At the Hanukkah holiday and the woman participating in the celebration, he sprayed it on her face.

The case was brought to the attention of the law enforcement agencies and the RMF FM station published the information recently. About the testimony of the victim. According to reports, the woman allegedly stated that Deputy Brown pointed a fire extinguisher nozzle at her face while trying to stop him from putting out the candles.

According to RMF FM sources, investigators already have the medical documentation and are appointing medical experts to assess the nature of the woman's injuries. If it turns out that Grzegorz Brown's behavior caused him to… A health disorder that lasts for more than 7 days, Then he is responsible for harming health, and not only for violating the integrity of the body. There is a punishment for such an act Punishment up to 5 years in prison.

Also read:,gdzie-jest-grzegorz-braun-konfederacja-powiedz-ze-nie-ma-z-nim-kontaktu

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