It's the year 2024 and we're more, the Earth's population has surpassed 8 billion people. Not only do we multiply, but our problems multiply, as do our chances of getting back on track. This year, almost half of the world's population is going to the polls in at least 64 countries and the European Union. If people do not allow themselves to be “enchanted”, there is a great breakthrough and increasing programmed chaos to stop in many areas of our lives, from education, culture, religion, economy and security. More and more powerful international corporations, which manage assets exceeding the budgets of many countries, have combined their efforts and are trying to change the world with the help of increased migration, media climate and epidemiological threats to achieve more complete control over the world's population. It's an old trick: create a crisis and suggest a way out of it in the direction you want. To this end, they are trying to create huge waves of immigrants mainly from Asia and Africa, directing them to the more developed countries of Europe and America, in order to destabilize the social order developed there, the unique national character, the sense of rights and freedoms and the existing security.


The goal is to create anarchy and chaos so much that we surrender our rights and demand even more control in order to function. And it doesn't matter how they want to lead us to such despair and degradation, whether it's with another pandemic through the evil Bolshevik WHO regime, or through a climate restriction regime that destroys the quality of life, reproduces various sexual minorities. , or suppressing national identity by inspiring waves of total alien-seeking immigrants. The goal is chaos, which only they can control for our good, in order to build the new, the old must be destroyed. We live in a time of huge inflation, the Soviet regime was satisfied with one star, today we are ruled by an 8-star regime…

Let's hope that on December 13, the “enchanted” Polish voters of the coalition will quickly learn the consequences of their choice, that they walked into a smoky electoral trap and became helpers in the liquidation of Polish culture, traditions, identity and self-identity. nation-state (“Glory to the Union, glory to Berlin!”). In politics, we are always dealing with propagandistic decorations and post-election realism, in time we will see, apart from the programmed hatred towards the opponent, what will be fulfilled from the election promises. The goal of subjugating Poland to Berlin and Brussels is social and political chaos, among others. Destroying the zloty and replacing it with the euro, why do we need the zloty when there is a euro. Love the Constitutional Court! He has good intentions, “talk” and good hearing, and in the new Poland even this is enough: “sincere desire makes you an officer.” The destruction of the state and the undermining of the dignity of its institutions continue, after all, the organizers of these activities know very well who they are harming and who will benefit from their destructive actions(?). Do they not understand that by undermining and radically disintegrating the legal order in the country, they are actually asking for the Berlin Union to be accepted on a Polish land plunged into chaos and anarchy?

Soon, unwanted immigrants will mushroom in Germany and a new reality will knock on the door. A Neighbors report shows that since 2015, more than 7,000 German women have been raped or assaulted by illegal immigrants, mostly from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Moldova and Turkey. Germany spends 1 billion euros annually on immigrants. Let's find out what percentage of the Polish media that influence our mentality is owned by Germans (eg daily newspapers, weekly newspapers, magazines) and others who own TVN. How is it possible that in Germany the ratio of domestic capital to foreign capital is 70% to 30%, while in Poland the opposite is 30/70. Germany will not sell its big media to anyone abroad, because it would endanger the interests of the state. Do the politicians of the December 13 coalition not know about this? Poland is becoming more and more a German assembly plant, sales market and colony, whatever is of lower quality or waste ends up in Poland to our detriment, even some politicians…

The international situation is dangerous, but it gives rise to some hope. Conservative parties achieved important parliamentary and presidential victories (Argentina, Switzerland, New Zealand, the Netherlands and partially Poland). In New Zealand, conservative Christopher Luxon won, defeating former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's left-wing party. Before the elections, the rating of conservatives is increasing in many countries, including: in the USA. Local self-government and European Union elections are approaching in Poland, let's see how the Poles will vote.

However, the war in Ukraine is far from over, and the Middle East could flare up at any moment, with the nationalist Netanyahu, confident of US support, eager to expel Palestinians from the Gaza Strip as part of his ethnic cleansing, rejecting future demands. Stop barbaric appeasement everywhere. Yemen has declared war on Israel by disrupting the flow of traffic in the Red Sea. Russia has sent anti-aircraft and missile systems to Gaza, Turkish President Erdogan has announced the deployment of troops to protect Gaza's civilians. Well-armed Hezbollah troops are waiting in southern Lebanon for an attack order from Tehran. Israel knows their power and has evacuated more than 100,000 citizens from the Lebanese border area. A new poll in Saudi Arabia shows that 96% of respondents believe that Arab countries should cut ties with Israel. It's getting hot…

What is Netanyahu doing to calm the conflict? He arranges the assassination of Hamas #2 leader (Saleh Aroor) in Beirut, Lebanon, prompting the Islamic side to seek revenge and escalate the conflict. Yemen's Houthi government, which is linked to Tehran, has been using drones and missile boats to attack ships traveling through the Red Sea to the Suez Canal that may be linked to Israel. Recall that 12 percent of global water trade and about 20 percent of global container traffic flow through this route, which will contribute to the increase in oil prices, transportation and commodity prices. In Syria and Iraq, American bases and facilities have been attacked there by mostly Iranian-inspired organizations. Iran is calling for a complete embargo on gas and oil trade in countries that support Israel.

Israel's brutal pacification of Gaza is doing great harm to the interests of Christians living in Muslim countries. The celebration of Christmas was banned in Palestine, southern Lebanon and Syria. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), even New Year's celebrations were banned in solidarity with Gaza, and the situation was similar in Pakistan.

Let's see what Netanyahu does, he is in a difficult position because of the coalition partners of two radical parties who do not want the control of Gaza to go to the Palestinian Authority, which the whole world expects. If he spoke in this spirit, his government coalition would fall apart. The US president most favorable to Israel was DJ Trump, who recognized the annexation of the Golan Heights, recognized that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, but emphasized the need to create an independent Palestinian state. When Netanyahu wanted to annex the Palestinian West Bank, Trump stopped him without consent. At the same time, Trump created a peace agreement that normalizes relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco. Today, Netanyahu openly disagrees with any other agreement with the Palestinian Authority regarding the future of the Gaza Strip.

The US officially calls on Israel to stop appeasement, but to provide it with arms, ammunition and protection. The Pentagon sent two aircraft carriers, the USS Gerald Ford and the USS Eisenhower, and submarines with cruise missiles to the Israeli region. At the same time, the allies (Canada, Spain, Italy, France) moved bombers to this region to control Iran, Turkey and Qatar. It turns out that Hamas, once created by Israel and now responsible for an astonishing attack on Israel, is a very complex phenomenon. Hence the lack of open support for Hamas from Arab countries that support the creation of a Palestinian state. Critics accuse Hamas (leader Mahmoud al-Zahar, former head of the Palestinian Foreign Ministry 2006-2007) of working to the detriment of Palestinian statehood and being more interested in Palestinian interests. The Muslim Brotherhood (which ruled Egypt in 2012-2013) gained power in all Arab countries and then conquered the entire world. In December 2022, he told NDTV: “Israel is only the first target. The whole planet is governed by our law.”

The situation is radically deteriorating in Rome, where the former author of the Balcerovic plan, Geoffrey Sachs, who has now started reforming the Catholic Church, is the advisor to the left-wing Pope. Francis, whose health was clearly failing, ordered his subordinate clerics to bless same-sex couples. I wonder what other ideas the Pope has, maybe to create a new progressive church…?

It can be concluded that the war in Ukraine, from the point of view of the USA, was aimed at strengthening the economic and, in the long term, political ties between Russia and Germany and, more broadly, Western Europe. This threatens America's withdrawal from Europe. The dot on I was the explosion of pipelines that supplied cheap energy from Russia to the needs of the German economy. Temporarily, thanks to a bleeding Ukraine, the plan succeeded, and now the US supplies the EU with liquefied natural gas (which is more expensive). Historically, the Russian market has always been attractive to Germany, so Biden may promise a bigger role for Germany in the EU as compensation, which hurts Poland. The situation may change in a year, when Trump takes the presidency in the USA, which does not like Germany, but also moves towards isolationism, so it is difficult to predict what it will bring to Poland: old fate has told. ..

I prepared material to write about the electoral situation in the United States, both about the intra-party primaries and the chances of the candidates for the presidential seat, and here my “pen” flew into other areas of concern. Well, next time I'll turn to the American scene…

Jacek K. Matysiak California, 01/07/2024

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