The PiS politicians were arrested by the police while they were in the presidential palace on Tuesday. Thursday morning there was information that Kaminski and Wąsik They were transferred In two different prisons in opposite suburbs of Mazovia.

According to the decision of December, the court sentenced both politicians to two years in prison in connection with the land scandal that happened in 2007. Wąsik and Kaminski, who headed CBA at the time, exceeded their powers, according to the court.

“Kaminsky passively resisted”

According to the RMF, Mariusz Kaminski allegedly disobeyed the orders of the officers in custody.

There were no cases of the use of force against the convicted person by the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration. “The employees of the Penitentiary Service tried to enforce the decree in a different way,” the radio reports.

According to journalists, Maciej Wąsik had to follow orders and “didn't cause any trouble”.

On the other hand, the officers should be aware that the situation is unusual, which is why they use standard procedures.

The president will no longer pardon PiS politicians

The head of the presidential office, Gražina Ignacak-Bandić, said last week that the first pardon remains in force, which is why the head of state does not intend to make a similar decision again in the case of Kaminski and Vesic.

– The president's pardon is legal. When the president made this decision in 2015, there was a very thorough review of the government's position. Opinions were divided, but there were also very serious voices that clearly indicated that the pardon is the so-called Individual cancellation – explained Malgorzata Paprocka from the President's Office on Radio Zet.

Also read:
Radio Zet journalists celebrate Kaminski's arrest. An embarrassing note has found its way onto the Internet

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