Leszek Miller commented on Andrzej Duda's decision to pardon Vasik and Kaminski once again on Thursday. He compared the president's tactics to a strange game of dealing with this political situation. Miller said Duda pretended to be playing a political game of chess, but in reality he was “playing fools.” What does it mean?

Miller on Pardons: Duda “Plays for Fools”

We remind you that on Thursday Andrzej Duda announced that He starts the pardon procedure that Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kaminski. However, this time, the president did not issue an act of mercy, but only initiated a difficult procedure.

On the tactics of Andrzej Duda in the Seimas in this matter Former Prime Minister Leszek Miller commented. When asked by a journalist, “Did President Andrzej Duda outdo everyone when it came to pardoning him, or did everyone outdo the president?”

Leshek Miller replied without biting his tongue: “I think the president thinks he's playing chess and Devil's game. It's primitive, pointless, and it's a shame it's taking such a tortuous path. “If he had followed a straight, clear path, he would have been more successful,” Miller said.

However, a question arises what is the funny sounding “fool”, which Leszek Miller referred to? Gazeta.pl reports that according to information collected on the Internet: “Dupak is a type of game in which one person from a group is hit on the buttocks and the goal is to guess who is doing the hitting.”

On the gaming website Psycatgames.pl you can find information that in one of the versions “silly gamesDepending on your position in the game, you can call yourself “Fool”, “Vice Sol”, “President” or “Vice President”, which sounds quite ironic.

One can only guess what Miller meant, but his words bring to mind another game with a controversial name.Bishop's Donkey“.

It is quite famous Play Cards, in which the participants of the game are dealt the same number of cards. Players then place one card on the table clockwise. Cards are placed so that other players can see their value. The player who gets rid of all the cards in his hand first wins.

Repeated pardons after petition of wives

He also emphasized that the created situation Arrest of Vesik and Kaminsky, which PiS politicians publicly condemn, is actually “political gold” for them. Duda did not hide that the decision was motivated by the party's appeal Wives of Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kaminski. – The ladies came to me to ask for the release of the MPs as soon as possible, especially since both of them started a hunger strike, – said the president.

– In their opinion, the longer Vasik and Kaminsky stay in prison, the better. Because they're valuable when they're in prison, not when they're free, Miller explained.

Miller also answered a question many may have been asking before the president's decision Thursday, namely why Andrzej Duda did not initiate the pardon process earlier. He thought it was a dispute between right-wing politicians.

– If the president wanted to, he would have used the fast track and would not have burdened the Minister of Justice with the final decision. I think there is an argument about how long these gentlemen should be in prison, he said.

It has also been revealed that Leszek Miller shares the opinion echoed by many politicians from the current government majority, namely that Andrzej Duda will not be able to reach an agreement with the government majority. He even called the relationship between them “hunting”.

– But it was predictable from the beginning. I shrugged as I heard calls for reconciliation, accepting that the time had finally come. There will be nothing like this, there will be fierce competition, mutual hunting – he said.

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