Vinicio Riva, an Italian with a rare disease whose emotional meeting with Pope Francis after a general audience at the Vatican in 2013 was photographed, died on January 10 at a hospital in Vicenza, Italy, aged 58.

Pope Francis hugs Riva, who suffered from neurofibromatosis type 1, a genetic disease that can cause skin lesions that has gone viral around the world.

Meeting with the Pope

The Pope's meeting with the patient took place after a general audience on November 6, 2013 – the year Cardinal Bergoglio was elected as the saint's successor. Peter. The Pope embraced Riva as he greeted pilgrims in St. Peter's Square in a lively gesture of love for those suffering from such illnesses. Francis stopped for a few moments to take Riva in his arms. After a minute, he touched his face and blessed him.

As Riva later stated, the Holy Father's unexpected gesture completely changed his life and helped him better cope with the pain caused by injuries throughout his body. After meeting the pope, Riva said she put “all my sorrows” aside.

According to experts, neurofibromatosis (neurofibromatosis) causes severe pain and can lead to vision impairment, learning disabilities and even cancer. Treatment of this disease is very difficult. It is a genetic and non-infectious disease. People with this often experience discrimination because of their appearance.

In an interview given to the Italian magazine Panorama, Riva said that when he met Pope Francis, he kissed his hand.

– Then he came closer to me and hugged me tightly; He kissed me on the cheek. I had my head on his chest and his arms welcomed me. He hugged me tightly, the man added.

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