In the last week of January, the Marshal of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, announced that the session of the Chamber is scheduled for January 9 and 10. Delayed for next week. The decision was related to the case of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vasik, which caused great emotions among law and justice politicians. To calm the atmosphere a little, Holonia postponed the meeting to the following week.

According to Wirtualna Polska, Jarosław Kaczyński's party has created a new plan to take action if Kaminski and Vesik start serving their sentences while absent from the Sejm. PiS should consider using obstruction of the Sejm and postponing the work of the chamber as much as possible.

An obstacle in the Seimas?

However, the events of the last days, i.e. the arrest of MPs Kaminski and Vesik and the attempt by the Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar to arrest the prosecutor's office, certainly did not calm the emotions of the opposition politicians and authorities. The next meeting, which will be held on January 16, 17 and 18, will certainly be marked by heated debate. According to experts interviewed by Wirtualna Polska, Szymon Holownania should be prepared for “the worst”.

According to Wirtualna Polska, Jarosław Kaczyński's party has created a new plan to take action if Kaminski and Vesik start serving their sentences while absent from the Sejm. PiS should consider using obstruction of the Sejm and postponing the work of the chamber as much as possible.

– Undoubtedly, there will be sharp tension in the hall of the Seimas. This is primarily due to the fact that two MPs will be absent, as they will automatically cease to be MPs after the court verdict. “PiS does not recognize these types of verdicts, even because it is a formation that is fighting for survival and therefore cannot damage its image,” said Prof. Roman Becker from the Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń.

– There will be many ideas to use various obstruction mechanisms that will prolong the proceedings. It can be said that Marshal Holonia can really expect the worst, including blocking the room – echoes Prof. Robert Alberski from the University of Wroclaw.

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