One of the first decisions of Szymon Holownia after assuming the post of speaker was to remove the barriers in front of the Sejm. The politician repeatedly emphasized that he wanted the Sejm to be an open place for citizens. However, before that happened, its security measures had to be studied – so Holonia decided and ordered an analysis and preparation of a special report. Physical security must be studied, but also cyberspace and counterintelligence security.

Shimon Holonia ordered an inspection of the parliament's security

Shimon Holavnia After staying Marshal of the Sejm, said that: “This will be a new, open Sejm.” Its declaration is supported by concrete decisions and actions, starting with the decision to remove barriers in front of the Sejm. on shooting vlogsIn which he shows citizens the interior of the Sejm, teaches them about its work.

As it turns out, before Holonia decides on the next course of action that will open the Seim, she wants to make sure it's safe – so she's ordered a special security review. The head of the Chancellery of the Seimas, Jacek Cichoki, announced its implementation at the meeting of the Committee on Rules, Deputies' Affairs and Immunities.

– One of the first orders I gave was the appointment of a specialist whose goal is to conduct a security review in various dimensions, not only physical, but also cyber security and counterintelligence issues, – he said.

Holovnia: balance between openness and security

However, we do not know who will be the specialist (or specialists) who will handle this case. He is said to be a well-known figure in the market, although his name is unlikely to reveal anything to the public.

According to, the expert has the right to access classified information, thanks to which he can read documents collected in the Sejm over the years. He was to be employed as an adviser to the head of the chancellery, which was to avoid the costs associated with the preparation of the audit by an external company. In connection with the report, it is worth noting that security at the Parliament has been improved since the 2012 arrest of the Homeland Security Agency's Bruno Quitsien, a chemist who planned Attack on Parliament Using explosives-filled transports. When the man was caught, it was decided to take care of the physical security of the Sejm – the car gates were replaced with obstacles removed from the ground, and the rear fence of the complex was raised. The wall on the street side was also raised. Wiejska, so that it would be impossible to cross it by car. However, the most drastic changes were made in 2021, when the Chancellery of the Seimas built a three-meter gate at ul. Górnośląska, a place where demonstrators often gathered during the PiS government.

Shimon Holavnia It claims that its goal is to strike a balance between openness and security. – We believe that one should help the other – said Katarzyna Karpa-Schwiderek from the office of Marshall Holonia. The report of the security investigation of the Parliament will be ready at the end of February. – This will first be presented to the Speaker of the Seimas and the Presidium, and then to the public session of the Regulations Committee, – he said.

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