In recent weeks, there has been a constant escalation of the political dispute in the country. The culmination was the takeover of the public media by the new government, which many considered illegal, and the case Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik. The IBriS studio conducted a survey on the support of political parties, which shows that Law and Justice still enjoys the greatest support among Poles. However, not enough to restore power.

Latest survey

According to the IBriS survey, 34.2% of Jaroslaw Kaczynski's party wanted to vote. subjects. The second place belongs to the civil coalition. The largest group in the ruling coalition supports 32 percent. respondents. The last place on the podium was occupied by Trzecia Droga, who won 14.1%. voices.

The New Left and the Confederation would also be in the Sejm. The party that forms the Polish government can count on 8.8 percent support. On the other hand, the confederation is balancing on the edge of the electoral threshold. At the moment, 5 percent support the party. Poles interviewed.

0.9% of people want to vote for other parties. respondents. 5 percent of the surveyed group do not support any party.

The declared turnout was 61%.

He gave fines

Calculations by Onet, for which the research was carried out, show that if the election were to end with such results, the ruling coalition would have 14 more MPs than it currently has.

Law and Justice will have 188 seats, KO – 166, Third Way – 67, Left – 29 and Confederation only 4.

The survey shows that the voters of PiS, KO and the left did not transfer their support to another party. 14 percent of Third Way voters now support KO. On the other hand, 39 percent of those who voted for Confederation now support a third way. Another 7 percent would otherwise vote for KO.

The survey was conducted by the Institute of Market and Social Research (IBRIS) on January 5-8, 2024 on a nationwide sample of 1,000. People by telephone, standardized computer-assisted interviews (CATI).

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