The last episode of the TVN24 program “Black and White” was dedicated to the former Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro. The authors of the materials make serious accusations against the politician.

“Through the institutions subordinate to him, on the one hand, he persecuted political opponents, and on the other hand, he provided a protective umbrella for the so-called United right-wing politicians. Now you yourself have become the accused?” – we read in the description of the episode.

Politicians of the United Right make extensive comments on the TV material. Earlier, TVN had strong support Former Prime Minister Beata Szydlo criticized it. “You cannot ignore the employees of TVN24,” he wrote.

How strict with TVN24

Patrik Jaki, MEP of sovereign Poland, also commented on the program. The politician does not hide his anger. “This is Dariusz Kubic from TVN24 who prepared this disgusting material about Zbigniew Ziobro. Leaving only one side of hatred, stupidity, selected interlocutors and the fact that the accused in this material is fighting for his life and now has no way out. Protect yourself. This is different though It's something. Kubik deliberately put a thread on MZZ's “Shuttering Voice”. Today it is known that the voice problems were related to cancer,” writes Jacky X on the website.


A politician asks a journalist if mocking illness is the new standard.

The MEP added that he would submit a request to the National Broadcasting Council to punish TVN for violating “all possible ethical standards”.

Ziobro's disease

“In response to many questions, I inform you that… Temporary absence due to health reasonsIn the near future, the work of the party will be managed by the presidium, which is chaired by Patrick Jak instead of Zbigniew Ziobro,” the authorities of sovereign Poland announced recently.

Also read:
The scandalous record of the left-wing deputy against Ziobro. Kempa: Bad show
Also read:
There is no Zbigniew Ziobro. There is a statement from sovereign Poland

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