Another day of protest against his arrest continues in front of the place where former head of CBA Mariusz Kaminski is present. They are involved in it, including: law and justice politicians. The politician's wife, Barbara Kamin, was also present. It was he who read the words that the former minister addressed to the demonstrators in his defense.

– Dear friends, thank you very much for your support, solidarity with me and Makiek, and encouraging words for our loved ones. I ask and appeal – let's fight the evil that appeared again in our country on December 13. We hold each other tight. Our enemies will never see white flags in our hands. Tusk's nasty regime cannot break us. We will succeed, we will win, we will defend Poland together – Kaminska read.


The wife of the arrested politician spoke about Kaminski's very serious health condition. As he noted, his vital parameters “are close to the point where his health is certainly at risk, but his life may be at risk.”

– Every day of my husband's stay in prison threatens his health and maybe even his life. “I'm very depressed about it,” he said.

The case of Kaminski and Vesik

Mariusz Kaminski is in prison in Radom, and Macie Vesik is in a facility in Przytuli Stare near Ostrolenka. The police arrested PiS politicians in the presidential palacewhere they stayed at the invitation of Andrzej Duda.

The former heads of CBA were sentenced to two years in prison in December 2023 for the so-called Land scandal, despite the fact that in 2015 the President used the amnesty law against them. He did so after a partial ruling, which lawyers dispute.

On January 11, the president announced – after meeting with the spouses of Kaminski and Vesik – the beginning of the pardon process. He also appealed to the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General Adam Bodnar to release them from prison until the end of the process.

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(translate tags) Kaminsky

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