Maria Lapinska has been associated with the Morsky Oko shelter for 50 years. He watched from the window the last slide that tourists tried before the New Year. – I was impressed that they were able to do it in Adidas and sneakers, because they skated a lot. It was an ordinary ice rink. And I had my heart on my throat and was watching what would happen – he says in an interview with naTemat. The post was shared by the popular IG profile “Current Conditions in the Mountains”. And not only from there. There, tourists went for a walk, not listening to TPN's recommendations about crampons and crampons.

Maria Lapinska looked out the window and mentally experienced what she saw behind her.

– When I watched it, I immediately stopped because it cost me a lot. It looked as if people were fighting for their lives on this ice. It was an ordinary ice rink, various pirouettes were performed there – he tells naTemat.

The road leading to it was also icy Sheltersand goes down to the pool.

– Only getting to the lake was an achievement. The stairs looked like an ice rink. There was a whole queue. Thank God, there is a rope, people hold it and descend, but it continues, he says.

He saw people in sneakers and sneakers. – down inside Zakopane There was no snow, so they went out on the trail. And this is a big difference between the city and here. These are completely different conditions than in Zakopane. Lifeguard on duty Morsky OkoHe took the injured several times – he adds.

Yes before New Year's Eve Tourists were amazed by the icy path. Not only there, but known Tourists in Morskie Oko Most often they cause special emotions.

TPN is recommended for cancer…

A few posts from the popular Instagram mountain profile, Current Conditions in the Mountains, speak for themselves.

Morsky Oko Almost all the tourists were listening TPN recommendations regarding the need for cradles and does not enter the surface”, we read.

– I always see such people. This is massive. Lately I've even been praising the tourists for having more and more hands, because when we were going to… Kalatovki, where there was ice, most of them had it. But there were people without them who slipped and fell. It happens everywhere – says naTemat Maja SindalskaTatra guide, profile author.

He emphasizes: – This was the case in all valleys during the last ice age… Tatra Mountains. IN Strezhiska, Koshkieliska, Chocholowska. On a straight road with icy conditions that are difficult to avoid, you can also slip. This is not the only thing Morsky on Oko's head. is also included Sniezhka It is very visible. This is the second place where people are fighting for their lives in such conditions.

It can be said – at your own request. – When I see this, my hair stands on end. Therefore, you should repeat it like a mantra: Hand, hand, hand – adds Maya Sindalska.

– This is strange to me. I have no idea why they don't use them. I think there is no way today that we don't know they exist hands. It's hard to imagine why anyone would go out on the ice with only a pair of shoes they knew wouldn't work. You can check what the conditions are. Alerts are provided by TPN and other websites, he says.

Maybe people think that if someone is admitted to the TPN area, that means they will pass? If TPN doesn't close the trails like last year at Avalanova 4, does that mean you can go and don't have to do anything? And sometimes it is worth wondering if you need any equipment with you – for this purpose it is worth calling the TPN information office.Maja SindalskaCurrent conditions in the Tatra Mountains

TPN has warned: there is severe frost

Conditions in the area New Year's Eve They were inside Tatras mountains Difficult, as TPN and Tatra portals warned. They warned that the snowpack was icy and very heavy in many places. There is very heavy frost, especially at higher elevations mountains It is slippery and dangerous.

“The very large temperature fluctuations that have accompanied us in recent days have caused a riot The phenomenon of glass mountains, or severe frostwhich can be found both in the lower valleys and on the mountain tops” – Tatra portal announced the alarm on December 27. He pointed out that severe frost is also found on popular trails: in the valleys of Kościeleska and Chocholowski and On Morskiye Oko Road.

“When traveling to these areas, it is necessary to be equipped with: Tourist snacks“- he warned.

The slogan “craczki” – to emphasize, in the case of lighter, lower tracks – literally appeared in every message.

“It happens in the valleys and on the routes leading to the shelters Heavy icing And it is very slippery, especially on the steep approaches, including the shortcuts on the path to Morsky Oko and the descent to the pond. You have to be very careful in such places and sticks and poles may be necessary,” he warned Tatra National Park.

Crampon and crampon – what's the difference?

It is possible hands Some of them are associated with them as something that only an experienced tourist can ride. Meanwhile, nothing could be further from the truth. They are used in the lower parts of the mountains. They should not be confused at all Cancer Used on much more difficult trails.

and still.

– People They confuse crabs and crayfish. I've heard people call them crampons, and they are two different devices that look a bit similar, but have different uses and completely different technology. Maybe people are afraid of crampons because they are associated with mountains? With difficult exits? That it is difficult to dress them? That they don't have shoes to match? – Maya Sindalska is surprised.

– Meanwhile hands Any shoe will be stepped on. You just need to choose the right size. This is a rubber shoe cover with short teeth that will fit in a larger pocket. Prices vary, up to around 250 PLN. A regular cracker starts at around PLN 50. Better hands are an expense that will last for years. My children are already seven years old, she says.

He adds that they can even be purchased at a kiosk… Zakopaneor booth TPN, at the park entrance, where you buy tickets. – But you can also hire them. It costs about 15 PLN. We must remember that it is neither difficult to find nor expensive. And it really provides comfort and improves safety, he explains.

On the other hand crampons They are for more difficult trails and are much more expensive. – The cheapest ones cost about PLN 350. You need harder shoes for them. Some are afraid of how to wear them. I see a lot of people who put their crampons on wrong. Left to right, ill-fitting, tangled tapes between the legs. a tragedy. It shouldn't be like that. This shows a great lack of knowledge, emphasizes Maja Sindalska.

But it also turns out that not using grips leads not only to comical and dangerous situations, but also… to their overuse where they shouldn't be used.

– The worst thing is that tourists have no hands because there is ice on the road Morsky Oko, or in the valleys. But they hold it Scratches or on Zavrat from Hala Gąsienicowa. In the meantime, he is going to Five Polish basin fieldsYou should have crampons, not your hands, because it is very steep there and your hands are weak – he says.

Unfortunately, people wear them and become circuses. They slip, fall, try to save themselves. They uproot trees and grab bushes. Something is terrible. There you can clearly see how unprepared people go down a really difficult path. I am most afraid that someone will fall into my hands. I am afraid of that.Maja SindalskaTatra guide

“If tourists use themselves”

come back Shelters in Morsky Oko – You can buy cancer here. – We have for sale. When it's really bad, people are happy to use and buy from our store. They cost around PLN 40, says Maria Łapińska.

He has been associated with the shelter for 50 years. He says that since 1973 he has been working under the supervision of his wife – Czeslaw and Wanda. Since 1980 – together with his wife Wojciech, who took over the management of the shelter from his parents. Since 1985, after the death of her husband, she managed the shelter independently. Since 2010 with her children, Patricha and Jakub.

I look into that when it comes down to it tourists, there is more education. – But Morsky Oko It is specific and People here are surprised by these different conditions – he notes.

What would you advise tourists from your experience in such conditions?

– Cragies. And that they use their heads. That's important too, he replies.

when we talk January 3, The slide is no more, the conditions have changed. Maria Lapinska At one point he looks out the window. – The ice age has passed. Now the entire ice rink is covered with fresh snow. This is very good. I can see from the window that tourists are walking normally, he says.

But you know, the weather situation can change at any time. As well as the ice cover of the lake, which – to the horror of many – has been climbed by tourists for years.

Tourists enter the surface of Morsky Oko

Maria Lapinska assures us: – At the moment, the surface is probably safe. We haven't measured it recently, but it used to be almost 30cm of ice.

They take action themselves, especially when things change weather.

– We do not have such an obligation, but since no one measures, we measure. We have a Shuer, a special measuring device for measuring ice. Every now and then I send someone to measure the ice. I always have up-to-date knowledge of the lake ice cover, he says.

Before that they had an agreement with IMWM that included a provision Ice measurements sometime. – But now that it's gone, I'll keep an eye on it myself. for your knowledge. So that I can be calm, that when I see them walking, it is safe.

Tourists – as we understand – Getting on the ice, but they don't ask about it: – it happens very rarely. Sometimes the park employees stand and warn, put up a board. It is now safe on the lake, although the weather situation is changing. Once things calm down a bit, I'll send a worker out to measure the ice. To know for sure if it is safe or not.

In any case, it is better not to be at all The surface of Morsky Oko keep out. TPN also applied for this. “We also remind you that the ice on the Tatra ponds is thin and breaks easily. Don't step on their surfaces,” he warned.

Also read:,niebezpieczne-warunki-na-morskim-oku-turysci-za-nic-maja-ostrzeczenia

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