Bundeswehr developed a training scenario, who predicts that NATO-Russia relations will escalate in the near future. According to the agreements, in February 2024, the Russian Federation may organize another mobilization, conscripting 200,000 people into the army. people. After that, Moscow will launch an offensive in Ukraine, which may be successful, given the reduction in aid to Kiev from the West.

In the event of an escalation, the Bundeswehr plans to put tens of thousands of troops on alert. The training scenario does not include specific numbers and movements, but it shows month by month how Russian leader Vladimir Putin might act, as well as how NATO will have to defend itself against Moscow's actions. “Taking into account different scenarios, even extremely improbable ones, is part of normal military operations,” the German army leadership said in response to questions from Bild journalists.

Secret plans of the Bundeswehr leaked. “I read the German secret plan”

“I have read the German secret plan,” admitted Maria Zakharova, a representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, “I do not rule out that the analytical part of the Bundeswehr was provided by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the leadership of Annalena Baerbock.” said.

We remind you that according to the scenario, the Kremlin would cause aggressive behavior towards the Russian minority in the Baltic states. This will lead to clashes, which will become a pretext for the organization of Zapad-2024 exercises in September 2024 with the participation of 50,000 people. Soldiers in Western Russia and Belarus. The Bundeswehr plan, obtained by Bild, suggests that by early 2025, the Kremlin will deploy two armored divisions and a motorized rifle division to Belarus, totaling more than 70,000. soldiers. Poland and the Baltic States will convene a NATO Council meeting and announce that they are under threat of attack by the Russian Federation. The North Atlantic Alliance will move 300,000 people to its eastern flank. Military personnel, including 30 thousand soldiers of the German army. NATO decides to take deterrent measures.

Also read:
French political scientist: The Russians must lose, just like the Germans in 1945.

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