On January 9, the former heads of CBA, Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic, remained. They were arrested in the presidential palace, where they stayed at the invitation of President Andrzej Duda. PiS politicians were first taken to the police station at ul. Grenadiers, and then in the Grokhov pre-trial detention center.

On January 10, they were transferred to other prisons – Kaminsky prison in Radom and Vesik in the town of Przytuli Stare near Ostrolenka. Before that, both politicians started a hunger strike.

After Kaminski and Vesic were arrested, law and justice politicians referred to them as “the first political prisoners in Poland since 1989”.

Kaminsky and Wasik were supposed to spend two nights with the president

“Gazeta Wyborcza” cites the reports of direct witnesses in the new behind-the-scenes stay of the former ministers with the President.

“Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik were supposed to spend two nights in the presidential palace and go directly to the Free Poles March organized by PiS on Thursday, January 11. They had bedrooms in Andrzej Duda's apartment and a direct line to the kitchen.” we are reading.

According to the newspaper, the president had an informal guarantee from the police that the officers would not enter the palace. Two deputy heads of the State Security Service brought the police into the area Colonels Krzysztof Król and Bartłomiej Hebda.

“There were 14 policemen, all in uniform. Not all of them entered the office, some were waiting in the secretariat. According to one report, (Grazyna) Ignacak-Bandić (office chief – ed.) called the colonel. Hebda is “Judas”, and Wąsik said : “I will not forgive you for this.” Kaminsky was calm. The politicians were taken away in handcuffs,” writes “GW”.

Andrzej Duda almost contacted the police

According to these reports The city bus did not block the presidential convoy Leaving Belvedere. “The cars, without Andrzej Duda, drove a few tens of meters along the wide sidewalk to the corner of the Belvedere fence and waited in the parking lot under the Jozef Pilsudski monument until the president was ready to leave. Duda left Belvedere aside. Go straight out to the cars that were waiting for him and the convoy set off for Krakow's Przemyślski,” we read.

Presidential vehicles had to arrive at the palace very quickly and enter through the main entrance. “If the president's head of security had recommended entering from the National Security Bureau, which is happening, Duda would have walked right into the policemen who were taking Kaminski and Vesik out. They literally missed each other for three minutes,” says “Viborcha”. “.

Also read:
Dr. Anus: We have an unprecedented situation. There was treason in the presidential palace

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