The former head of the Supreme Audit Office and the former Minister of Justice asked on the air of RMF FM whether Early elections “The game is worth a candle,” he said yes, stressing that he is not their supporter.

According to him, early elections can always be held, but in accordance with the regulations Laws. He emphasized that the way to early elections is certainly not to “fight with the budget” if it is passed in four months, and as he said, it will be.

Kwiatkowski on early elections: the coalition should consider

– If Law and Justice files a petition for the self-dissolution of the Seimas, then yes, I believe that today's “October 15 coalition” should consider it, also because of the president's behavior today, – said Kwiatkovski.

– I have the impression that the president is interfering with the functioning of state institutions. And I say Very balanced language, but at the same time absolutely sad because it is a deep indictment of the president. The president cannot act like that, the senator said.

– If a majority is obtained as a result of the elections, which will allow the president's veto to be overridden, I begin to believe that it will be in favor of the functioning of citizens and state institutions, – he added.

“If PiS makes such a request, then yes.”

Kwiatkowski also emphasized that he is not in favor of early elections. – We, the citizens, must ensure peace and solve their problems. But if PiS makes such a motion, then yes, it should be considered. If not, the responsibility rests with those in power who received a very strong mandate based on very strong support (…), this is a mandate to work and not to play with re-elections – he said.

– But, of course, we will also observe what other political circles will do, – said the politician.

Also read:
Will the president call early elections? “He's got an ace on his throat”

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