– Why don't they present the second part of the surname to the minister? Maybe it's a way to hide family ties? And how will you answer the questions of MP Michal Voshi, who talks about the conflict of interest. You oversee a prison system. How does this affect your husband's business since he also makes money from inmates? After all, your husband Jacek Dubois is a representative of the affiliated prosecutors in the land scandal – one journalist asked at the time. Deputy Minister of Justice Maria Eichart's press conference on Wednesday.

– Jacek Dubois is not my husband – answered the politician. – Are there no family ties? – asked the journalist. – Jacek Dubois is not my husband. Point – concluded Eichart.

– Please do not ask questions in personal space, – said the presenter at the briefing.

Is the Deputy Minister of Justice the wife of a famous boss? “Conflict of interest”

Last week, questions about the family connections of the deputy minister began. “Mrs. Maria Eichard-Dubois, are you the wife of lawyer J. Dubois? The conflict of interest in the case of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic is one thing, but you oversee the prison system. How does this affect the business of Mr. Jacek Dubois, who also makes money from prison inmates?” Michal asks. On the website of Vos X. The MP from the PiS club added: “The interpellation has already been submitted.”

The politician noted that the second part of the deputy minister's name – Dubois – has disappeared from the website of the Ministry of Justice. This change is visible in track change mode.

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and Free Trials

According to the MS website, Eichar-Dyuba is a lawyer specializing in human rights issues, with a special interest in the rights of persons deprived of their liberty. Since 2003, he has been coordinating the Innocence Program at the Helsinki Human Rights Foundation, which monitors cases of miscarriage of justice and supports the wrongly convicted.

“He was a member of the Ombudsman's Social Council and co-chairman of the Expert Committee of the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture. He is a Polish member of the European Innocence Network, an organization that associates European programs that address the problem. About wrongful conviction”, – it is mentioned in his biography.

“He is the author or co-author of many publications, including a scientific monograph entitled “Life Imprisonment. The murderer, his crime and punishment” (with Maria Nielacna and Andrzej Rzeplinski). In 2015, he became the president of the Prof. Zbigniew Holda Association. He is also a co-founder of the Free Courts Civil Initiative and the KOS Justice Defense Committee,” it was noted.

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