The limits of contributions to IKZE, IKE and the limit of additional contributions to PPE in 2024 are as follows:

  • In case of Individual Pension Security Account 'Ordinary IKZE' (IKZE), there will be a limit PLN 9,388.80,
  • Individual pension insurance account of a person performing non-agricultural activity (IKZE) – PLN 14,083.20,
  • Individual pension account (IKE) – PLN 23,472,
  • Additional contributions to PPE – PLN 35208.

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from 2021 At IKZE we have two payment limits. The first – the so-called regular IKZE – should not exceed 1.2 times the average (projected) monthly salary in the national economy during the given year. The regulations provide for a higher limit for persons engaged in non-agricultural activities. – This is 1.8 times more than the average (planned) monthly salary for the given year in the national economy.

New limits in IKE, IKZE and PPE in 2024.

In the case of IKE there is one limit, but it is much higher. Taxes that can be made during a calendar year should not exceed the amount corresponding to three times the average (projected) monthly salary in the national economy during the given year.

Both IKZE and IKE are available Individual savings form, which can be installed by any adult. However, the law provides that people aged 16-18 – provided they work under an employment contract – can also save in this form.

In the case of PPE, the limit of additional contribution (paid by the PPE participant) according to the regulation is 4.5 times the average (projected) monthly salary in the national economy during the given year. The additional PPE contribution is voluntary and always depends on the decision of the PPE participant.

Oskar Sobolewski, pension and labor market expert at HRK Payroll Consulting, founder of Debata Emerytalna

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