On Wednesday, the National Court Register decided to register the new members of the TVP Supervisory Board appointed by Minister Sienkevic. The application was rejected. Both parties eagerly awaited a decision in this regard Dispute regarding state media. It turned out that The National Court Registry refused to register new members The Supervisory Board of Telewizja Polska was appointed by the Minister of Culture Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz and Tomasz Sigut as the President of the company.

Many were waiting to see if this information would appear in the evening TVP's main news service program “i9:30”, which replaced “Wiadomości” after the media takeover. No information about the court's decision has been released. Before that, he did not appear in Teleexpress, which was run by Maciej Orłoś.

The press office wanted to get a comment from the head of “i9:30”, Pavel Pluska (he was one of the first to join TVN's “new” TVP).

“When we called Pavel Pluska and asked why the “19.30” program lacked information about the rejection of the application to amend the national court register, he hung up. When we called again, he only said: – I have nothing. Tell me about it. for vision,” the portal reports.

Changes to Polish radio are illegal. The court rejected Sienkiewicz's next request

In turn, on Friday, the Warsaw court rejected the application to enter the new management of Polish Radio into the national court register. The Referendum referred to the 1995 decision of the Constitutional Tribunal in its reasoning, which states that “the principle of independence of public radio and television broadcasting takes a clear form when its position in relation to the government and its subordinate structures is considered. .”

“The essence of the 1992 reform was to turn government radio and television into public broadcasters. The purpose of the specific regulation was to separate radio and television from the government and its associated parliamentary majority in order to prevent these media. Mass media as a political instrument of governance. This order to maintain internal pluralism in public radio and television programs can be implemented only if they maintain a clear dissonance from the current political administrator,” said the justification quoted with emphasis. Onet portal.

The court's referendum also recalled the Constitutional Tribunal's 2016 ruling on the unconstitutionality of the exclusion of the National Broadcasting Council from the procedure for appointing the authority of TVP and Polish Radio.

Also read:
“i9:30” meets CPK. “The material is worse than scandalous”

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