What will be left of Poland after 100 days of Demoland Tusk's rule – that is the question – because in just two weeks the junta of December 13 has implemented Tusk's pre-election announcements of the total destruction and liquidation of Polish institutions? Every day provides information about what Tusk liquidated in Poland. Today, for example, the German Gauleiter dismissed the members of the councils: the Institute of War Losses, the Institute of the Republic, the Institute of Central Europe, the Institute of Generation and the Institute of the West!

Here is Lieutenant Colonel Sienkiewicz – Tusk put him at the head of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, he managed not only to destroy TVP, Polskie Radio, PAP and Telewizyjjana Agencja Informacyjna with the help of bruises – he has already left his d. .., d… and stones on cultural and informational heritage – destroyed television archives, especially everything that directly attacked Putin and Angela. Just wait until Lieutenant Colonel Sienkiewicz burned at the stake the works of his great ancestor Henrik, whose biography is called Krzysztof Maslon's “In the Footsteps of Polishness” – sharply contrasts with Galeiter's biography for Poland – who hated Poland!

It turns out that not only German origin or Bolshevik upbringing leads to hatred of Poland and Poles. Because here is former ombudsman Adam Bodnar – like Gauleiter Tusk, he not only “hates Poland” but also the established law in Poland! Bodnar – already as Prosecutor General – admitted that he was desperately looking for a “legal basis” to justify the bandit experiments on the Polish judicial authorities, while at the same time exercising “depoliticized” supervision over all reports of Lt. Col. Sienkiewicz's crimes. Prosecutor's office!

And here we are not talking about setting fire to the checkpoint of the Russian embassy or Sienkiewicz's admission that the state created by Tusk in 2008-2015 was in fact “theoretical”. It is about “F…, D… and a pile of stones”, in which the junta of December 13 hastily transforms Poland. All the politicians in Goleiter's office contribute to this “shame, d… and pile of stones” of Lt. Col. Sienkiewicz and Prosecutor Bodnar.

Here is Klimchak from the PSL, who in all the programs of the “politicized TVP Info” called for the “PIS regime” to lower gasoline prices, saying: “You can reduce the emissions fee, the fuel tax, the recycling margin, etc., to make the fuel that each of us pays for cheaper.” – Today, as the Minister of Transport, he increased the fuel tax by 13.2% from January 1, 2024!

The fact that gasoline, oil and transport will increase, inflation will increase – could not be noticed by the severely “depoliticized” TVP and, of course, the new Minister of Health, Iza Leshchyna. Let's remind you that Leshchyna said on radio ZET that the future seizure of power by the civil platform in Poland is a guarantee of solving all problems, including inflation!

A complete dilettante, Iza, appointed by Tusk to the Ministry of Finance during his previous theoretical tenure, now Minister of Health and also Minister of Happiness and Well-being, predicts as early as 2022 that “Problems will disappear under PO's rule as if touched by a magic wand” (sic!).

Also, Klimchak, at a time when he was free to spit on PIS on TVP Info, accused “PiS” diplomacy of inaction regarding the transporters' protest at the Ukrainian border – today he blames the EU for solving the permit problem. Ukrainian trucks enter the territory of the European Union! However, Gauleiter Tusk had to solve this problem when he conquered Poland – “as if by magic”!

It is worth recalling Gauleiter's words after a Russian missile fell in Przewodovo, Lublin Voivodeship on November 15, 2022, killing 2 people: “The reaction of the PiS government to the Russian missile attack is the mutual accusations of the defense minister, the generals and the president, information chaos and the cowardly silence of the president. We are ruled by irresponsible mediocrity. They pose a threat to national security like enemy missiles…”

The mediocre Kosiniak-Kamish also commented on Przevodov's rocket: If Minister Blaszczak did not know that a missile was flying over Poland, this is a big scandal. If he knew and did nothing about it, it is grossly irresponsible and playing with Polish security. Both are disqualifications. Resign!

Today, when a Russian missile flew over Poland and then turned towards Ukraine – and we are led by an eloquently silent Donald Tusk, in his role as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense in Kosignak-Kami, the question arises:

When will the irresponsible Meds who rule us and are a national security threat, Kosniak, who knew a missile was flying over Poland and did nothing, be released? After all, according to Kamis himself, this is “gross irresponsibility and playing with the security of Poland. Both are disqualifications…

So go away, you irresponsible and cowardly mediocrities!

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