A family claiming medical malpractice is fighting to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Back in June, Dariusz Lipinski weighed more than 90 kilograms, lifted weights and was a healthy, physically active man. Today, he is unable to function independently – he is fed parenterally and uses a drip for most of the day. Monika Gavronska's report from the “State in the State” program.

It started with a seemingly routine procedure – appendectomy. Unfortunately, the procedure failed – Since then, the man underwent several operations and completely lost his mobility.

– On June 11, in the morning, when I woke up, my stomach started hurting. Finally, I was lying in bed, I called my wife and said: Let's go to the hospital. Give me something antispasmodic because I wanted to go to work – says Dariusz Lipinski.

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– One surgeon came from above and after a while another one came. Once he touched me, he said it was appendicitis. The next morning I asked the doctor what was wrong with me. He replied that they did not do much and did not find the appendix, the man recalled.

The hospital does not feel responsible: we made every effort

The hospital management does not take responsibility. According to them, the procedure was performed correctly, but they were initially diagnosed with a different disease than originally expected.

– The patient can blame everything, but I can't tell you everything I know. In our opinion, the procedure was correct, we used all our efforts and resources, and we lacked nothing to treat this patient. Everything that could be used was used – explains Dr. Marek Szymković from the Niza Health Complex.

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The family has a different opinion Claims that medical malpractice has been committed and fights to punish the perpetrators.

But it all really started with this supplement. If they had actually removed it, my husband would not be in the condition he is in now, says Dominika Plaček-Lipinska, the patient's wife.

Read more at 19:30 in Monika Gavronska's material in the program “State in State”.

ed / Polsat News

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