PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic were arrested on Tuesday evening. More and more is known about what it looked like. New details were revealed on Wednesday by the head of the office of the President of the Republic of Poland, Marcin Mastalerek.

A Duda official reveals more details about the arrest of PiS politicians

Mariusz Kaminski and Macieh Vasik were arrested in my office. What was done at the presidential palace was like an expression of disappointment that it could not be done before 11 a.m., he told Polsat News. Head of the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland Marcin Mastalerek.

A Duda official also claimed that “the policemen's behavior towards the man who was responsible for protecting Poland's borders, fighting corruption and modernizing the Polish police made the ladies who work in the palace cry.” – The behavior of the officers was scandalous – he said.

He also admitted that the police had the right to come to the palace, but they were obliged to behave politely. – I hope that as the public media found out that President Andrzej Duda was right, it will be the same now – Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic will be released from prison – concluded Marcin Mastalerek.

PiS entered the narrative that these are “political prisoners”

According to him, “the frustration that arose after the unsuccessful morning rally and the behavior of the policemen made the women working in the presidential palace cry.”

PiS politicians They represent Kamiński and Wąsik aspolitical prisoners. “Donald Tusk's political prisoner Mariusz Kaminski is on hunger strike in protest against the illegal imprisonment of the former head of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau. Tusk's revenge violates the Polish constitution, the rulings of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Tribunal and violates it. on the president's pardon”, wrote PiS MEP Anna Fotiga.

A similar narrative is presented by the rest of the community, including former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. “For the first time in 35 years, since the fall of communism and the great Polish victory over totalitarianism, we have political prisoners in Poland,” he claims in a new recording.

Of course, the Polish authorities do not share this, but neither does Brussels. European Commission spokesman Eric Mamer said at the press conference in Brussels on Wednesday that we will not comment on specific events in EU member states. As he noted, the Commission publishes an annual report on the rule of law in individual countries of the Commonwealth.

Kierwinski: It was the SOP that led to the arrest of PiS politicians

On Wednesday evening, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration spoke about Vesik and Kaminsk. – From the moment of the court's decision, the police had the obligation to bring in your boys, and they did it – he said on the air of TVN24. As he emphasized, “Gentlemen behaved as if the presidential palace was some kind of shelter– It was an attempt to anarchize public life on the part of Mr. Vasik and Kaminsky – he said. He informed that it was the SOP that led to the arrest of PiS politicians.

Andrzej Duda also spoke about them today. The President emphasized that there is a fight against corruption The foundation of any modern state. – This is an absolutely fundamental issue. No government of an honest country will allow corruption, he added.

According to the president, in 2015 he pardoned the politicians of law and justice, because Convicted for fighting corruption. – My decision caused a heated dispute from the beginning, which was followed by different legal interpretations, – he said.

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