The former program editor of “Republica” TV company and currently the reporter of this channel, Witold Nieulich, who recently became known for his protest speech with teenagers in front of TVP, has a serious criminal past. The man produced hard drugs and spent several years in prison. But he was also an active oppositionist during the Polish People's Republic.

The reporter of “Republic” was in prison

As mentioned earlier in 2021, Witold Newelitz He gained journalistic experience mainly in prison, where he worked as a magazine editor. man He went to prison for production and Trafficking in hard drugs. In Krakow society he was known as “Chemist from Krakow”. He spent five years behind bars.

Nieulich grew up in an orphanage and later quickly became involved in the criminal world of Kraków. In prison, where he was sent after prosecutors accused him and his colleagues of processing poppy straw into Polish heroin, he was the editor of the magazine “Recidivist”. After his release from prison, Newelitz assured him that he had already learned his lesson.

That man was also an oppositionist in the past and he founded the group “Anti-Communist Front” while listening to Radio Free Europe in Krakow. He also had problems with the law. He also set fire to the Soviet consulate in Krakow and destroyed a statue of Lenin.

In recent years, he was also the program director of the “Republic” TV station, but He recently lost this position, as Michal Rachon took his place. The former TVP Info employee joined the Telewizja Republika team after Donald Tusk's new government ended its propaganda on TVP. He also hosts two original programs on the privately owned Rachoni station.

Newelich's speech took the Internet by storm

Newelich himself recently became famous for speaking in front of the TVP headquarters. – There are people with me who stop the action of supporting journalists defending the independence of the media. The beautiful Polish song “God is born” was played, and not only old and middle-aged people, but also young people came here. Why did you come here? – Newelitz then asked the two teenagers.

However, their answers surprised the employee of “Republic” TV station. – When I came here, I met a lot of kind people. What division of the nation did this lead to – he heard from one of them.

After these words, a clearly surprised Newelicz asked if they believed that Polish television had caused the division of the nation, and then why they came to the protest.

– I wanted to listen to people whose opinions were manipulated by the media. I am very sorry because they are good and kind people. I hope the situation will change as soon as possible, he replied. We write about it in detail here.

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