President Andrzej Duda spoke on Sunday in connection with the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vincent Vitos in Wierzkhoslavice.

In his speech, the politician talked about Vitos's attitude and The current situation in the country. – Vincent Witos wanted a free, sovereign, independent and democratic Poland without its ills, such as corruption. Therefore, among others, he left PSL and founded PSL Piast, because he was against the weakness and corruption of the then party government. He knew how such a phenomenon destroys the country and that they should be condemned with all their might. Where is the PSL today? He is part of the ruling coalition that imprisons MPs – asked President Duda.

Libik: No optimism. The President's attack on PSL is one of the reasons

In this context, the PSL senator wrote about the reasons for concern over the current situation in the country. “Today in Poland there is not a single institution or person to whom one can turn in any case and whose decision would be universally recognized. The dispute between the different chambers of the Supreme Court is the best example of this,” he points out. Text on the Salon24 website.

“Secondly, it is difficult to imagine that all the forces operating in the political arena would be willing to create such an institution – or person. In today's reality, it is difficult to imagine the image of Andrzej Duda, Donald Tusk, Jaroslaw Kaczynski. , Władysław Kosińak sat around the table – Kamisch, Władysław Zarzast and Krzysztof Bosak and will appoint an institution – or a person or persons – that will decide or settle such disputes in the future. Today's attack on PSL by President Duda is the final confirmation for me that such a situation is simply impossible today,” Libik emphasizes.

As the third reason, the politician cites the fact that “in the next year and a half, it is difficult to imagine that, for example, as a result of early elections, any fighting force or a competitive coalition of these forces will emerge. has the advantage that he can simply impose his decision beyond doubt and finality.”

The PSL senator also points to the difficult international situation: “The last one. Donald Trump says that after a possible victory in the elections, The USA is going to withdraw from NATO“.

Also read:
Szydło: PSL has become a useless side dish for Tusk

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