The guest of Telewizja Republika's program was Jan Pietrzak, satirist and publicist. He spoke in defense of the media and the German government against the protests that he believed threatened Poland. At one point he started saying that Germany might be planning to bring illegal migrants into Poland and made a really outrageous joke. He showed that immigrants could be accommodated in “Auschwitz barracks”.

Pietrzak jokes about Auschwitz

– I have a cruel joke with these immigrants. That they hope that the Poles will be ready, because we have barracks, we have barracks for immigrants in Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Štutovo, we have many barracks built by the Germans. Telewizja Republika Jan Pietrzak.

Moreover, the publicist emphasized that the emigrants “were illegally brought into Poland by the Germans.” His statement showed that he did not consider the migrants to be guilty of even trying to cross the border illegally. According to him, “the government that let them in is illegal.”

– So the Germans are illegal – Pietrzak concluded. The host of the program responded to the joke about Auschwitz, noting that he was strong, but in one second he began to make excuses for the guest. Katarzyna Goiska said Pietrzak has “personal experience” since World War II that “can do more”.

– I think I am confirmed by history, by the fate of my family – said the publicist. And he added: “They killed my father, some cousins, uncle (…) Well, I think it's all clear, I'm not the only one in Poland.”

He has already responded to his words Racist Behavior Monitoring Center. He said he would file a report with the Warsaw District Attorney's Office about Pietrzak's Nazi and racist threats. He will also file a complaint with KRRIT against TV Republika.

Pietrzak on “Dirty and Stupid” Tusk

As we already wrote in naTemat, after PiS gained power, Jan Pietrzak became a “right-wing star”. In 2022, he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta. before receiving the medal Andrzej Duda, was a guest on TVP Info and there he uttered quite scandalous words. In one fell swoop, he insulted Donald Tusk and millions of Poles.

Host Michal Rachon and his guests commented on Donald Tusk's famous text from 35 years ago, including the sentence: “Polishness is an abnormality.” “It is more beautiful than Poland to escape from Poland to the earth, concrete, defeated, dirty and poor,” the TV viewers heard. This fragment clearly angered the satirist, which he expressed in his statement. – Tusk is dirty and stupid. Dirty and stupid. Disgusting boy, Pietrzak sighed Live Broadcast. Rakhon did not react and gave the floor to the next guest. And when it was Pietrzak's turn again, he developed his previous idea and, in addition, offended several million Poles. – The essence of his views is hatred towards Poland. He comes here after the Brussels episode to hurt Poland. What is abnormal in this situation is that a large percentage of Poles trust him – continued the cabaret artist who was appreciated years ago. – People who vote for Tusk are abnormal. I would say so. These are completely abnormal people. How can you vote for such views? – he asked rhetorically at the end.

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