“I have ordered to start the verification process regarding the Republika TV program in which Mr. Jan Pietrzak appeared,” Maciej Shwerski, the chairman of the National Broadcasting Council, said on the social network.

“The procedure is that the office of the National Broadcasting Council asks the broadcaster to record the program and respond to the allegations of the complainants,” he added.

As Shvirsky informed, the record will be analyzed. “Based on these processes, the chairman of the National Broadcasting Council (as a body) will decide on further actions,” he explained. As the head of the National Broadcasting Council added, this is a standard procedure.

Jan Pietrzak's scandalous statement. “We have barracks for immigrants”

In Telewizja Republika's New Year's Eve program, Jan Pietrzak said he had a “cruel joke” about immigrants.

– They hope that the Poles are ready, because we have barracks. We have barracks for immigrants: Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Stutthof. Here we have many barracks built by the Germans. And here we will be (…) these immigrants, who are pushed illegally by the Germans, because people fleeing to a better world are not illegal – he said.

As he added, “The government that let them in is illegal, so the Germans are illegal.”

– Their slogan to welcome the newcomers was illegal, outside the treaty and inconsistent with all laws. This is an illegal activity in Germany. We have to be sensitive to that next year, because it seems like they're starting a lot in our heads – said Pietrzak.

The scandalous words of the former satirist. Reaction of the Minister of Justice

Justice Minister Adam Bodnar responded to Pietrzak's statement. “I have asked the national prosecutor, Dariusz Barski, to review Jan Pietrzak's statement on Telewizja Republika and launch an investigation,” he said on social media.

Earlier, the Center for Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behavior said that it had been informed about the crime committed by Pietrzak and TV Republika. “We informed the Warsaw District Prosecutor's Office about the propaganda of Nazism and racist threats spread by Pietrzak,” the center said.

The Auschwitz Museum also commented on this matter. “The tragedy of Auschwitz shows what the ideas of hatred and contempt for another human being lead to. The instrumentalization of the fate of people who died in German camps with anti-immigration rhetoric is a shameful and appalling manifestation of moral and intellectual corruption.” He wrote about it on social networks.


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