Regarding Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik, the European Commission stated that it does not interfere in the internal affairs of EU countries. How to evaluate these words?

Pavel Jablonsky: This is a symptom of the far-reaching hypocrisy of politicians in the EU institutions and in other countries, who very often and willingly interfere in the affairs of foreign countries when people from other political camps, especially the conservative camp, rule there. Since 2015, Poland under the rule of law and justice has regularly attacked various politicians and EU and international institutions under various pretexts. We were accused of breaking the law and violating the rule of law. In today's situation, when the rule of law is actually violated, these politicians do not make such interventions. I believe that this should be a permanent rule, we should not interfere in the affairs of other countries and other countries should not interfere in the affairs of Poland. The fact that they attacked Poland hard for eight years proves that they were hypocrites and had political motives.

Recently, among others, the Ministry of Justice issued a statement that the US ambassador to Poland is satisfied with the changes taking place in Poland. Is this a deception of the Polish Ministry, which should not express joy that the ambassador of another country is commenting on Poland's domestic affairs?

It is much worse than fake. It is a symptom of a servile, colonial mentality, of a state that is a colony and must obtain the consent of its metropolis. Under no circumstances should any serious official, especially the constitutional minister, say or think such a thing. Poland is a sovereign country, and when someone says something good about us, it's nice, but because someone praises us and writes about it, it humiliates us as a client, a beggar, a country that does not have the same position as other sovereign states.

Bodnar famously said in the past that “Poland is like an animal that needs to be tamed, and the Germans tamed it, so today they have to take responsibility for us.” This was the statement when the Germans presented him with an award. This shows that he believes that we are a second-rate country compared to Western European countries or the USA. It is a terrible situation when such a person performs state functions. State functions must be performed by people who perform duties to the sovereign, that is, the Polish nation, not the German or American nation.

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