How do you assess the decision of the Supreme Court to preserve the mandates of PiS MPs Vasik and Kaminski?. Is this Shimon Holunia's failure?

Patrick Jacques: It cannot be his failure, because Shimon Holonia is himself a failure. Of course, what Holonia is doing is scandalous. For many years on TVN, he argued that the constitution and the rule of law are most important in Poland, that court decisions must be respected, and now he himself is legitimizing an unprecedented attack on the rule of law and the Polish state. Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Let us remind you that the coalition of which Holouni is a member controls the public media like the junta in South America, cannot provide a legal basis for its actions, wants to appoint judges by telephone and ultimately does not recognize his decision. does not like Szymon Holonia does not have a problem with the immunity of a person who was involved in a corruption scandal related to the garbage mafia in Warsaw, but on the other hand, he does not recognize the president's mercy for people who fought against such mafias. What is happening in Poland is amazing. No one in Poland has ever broken the law as unprecedentedly as Tusk's team is doing today.

How do you assess the actions of the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, who took over the prosecutor's activities regarding the takeover of TVP? CShould his senatorial mandate be terminated, as Markin Romanowski wants?

It is clear that it has de facto expired. This is the confirmation of the Speaker of the Senate. Polish law makes it clear that the Prosecutor General can issue guidelines through the National Prosecutor, but cannot handle cases on his own. Minister Ziobro did so, he used his authority and issued guidelines, but he never dealt with any issues himself. On his part, Adam Bodnar took over the proceedings related to the illegal takeover of TVP and assumed the role of prosecutor. However, according to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, Art. 108 in accordance with art. 103, the mandate of the deputy and the senator acting as a prosecutor is automatically terminated. In addition, it must be said that this person does not have legal qualifications, despite the fact that he has great competence.

There is speculation that Donald Tusk will leave the government after a year and try to take a high position in Brussels. is it possible

I think this is very likely. Another thing that we warned about during the campaign may come true. We said that once this man comes to power, he will break the law en masse, and I believe that this will also come true.

Also read:
Prof. Zimmerman: The Democratic majority is going to have to go a little crazy
Also read:
Dr. Sofinski: Marshal Holovnia's actions are subject to criminal liability

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