Can we say that the march organized by PiS in Warsaw was successful?

Marek Jakubiak: Of course. It was a success. It should be emphasized that, unfortunately, this rally was organized in the middle of the week, at 4 pm, when it was freezing and snowing. Despite everything, there were many people, and their greatest success was to be smiling and polite.

What do you think about the return of barriers in front of the Seimas during the protest?

The topic of barriers is reminiscent. Prime Minister Morawiecki called him “smiling barriers”, even the police laughed at him. We are dealing with bunglers and dilettantes who may have once had artistic success, but being an actor or pretending to be someone does not qualify them for effective management of the Polish state. What can I say, there should have been fewer ministries, but there are more, there should have been smiles, beautiful Poland, and then the two ministers who are responsible for the CBA were put in jail. Tusk introduced the regime, no doubt.

However, Marshal Holouni and opposition politicians respond that the barriers were only there for the duration of the protest, and during the PiS government they were constantly standing in front of the Sejm. Isn't that the difference?

It must be said that this demonstration was treated like the previous one, which deserved it. They were used to aggressive people gathering and threatening to occupy the parliament building. That's why there were barriers. However, it turned out that the barriers were handcuffs that people used to keep themselves in the rally. If they hadn't been there, I doubt if the police had told them not to leave, people would have listened.

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Susky: Total Force dreamed of “storming the Capitol”
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Kierwiński: Police, Fire, Border Guards and SOP to Join Big Orchestra for Christmas Charity

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