Joe Biden was asked on Saturday about the change of government in Poland. The words of the US president indicate that he has a positive attitude towards this.

Joe Biden, on his way to the Marine One helicopter, was asked by a Polish radio reporter about his assessment of the pro-EU government coming to power in Poland.

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– I think it is very good – answered the US president briefly.

Biden was also asked by reporters about Saturday's election in Taiwan, the situation at the Mexican border and US support for Ukraine.

“We do not support Taiwan independence”

Referring to the latter issue, the US president said that if the Republicans do not agree to receive additional funds to support Ukraine, they will have to “pay a lot” for the consequences of this decision. However, he emphasized that he is open to significant changes in immigration policy, which is a condition for Republicans to take action on Ukraine.

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– I heard one Republican say, “We don't want border security, we want to beat Biden.” “I've wanted fundamental changes at the border for a long time,” he said, adding that he remains optimistic about ongoing negotiations in Congress.

Asked about Taiwan's presidential election on Saturday, the president said only that the US does not support Taiwan independence, which has long been official US policy.

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