05/01/2024, 14:30

“Teleexpress is coming on renewed tracks, it will work fast, dynamic, light, punctual and reliable,” said Maciej Orloszczy (screen: Tvp.pl)

Polish television resumed broadcasting of “Teleexpress” two weeks later. The face of the program is again Maciej Orłości, who left TVP in 2016. – It was fun, light and without aggression – says Jacek Nizinkiewicz after the break from “Rzeczpospolita”. The chief editor of Goniec.pl, Janusz Schwertner, adds: – “Teleexpress” presenter stated that the content will be reliably presented to the viewers. And he kept his word.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back after a 7.5-year hiatus. I'm glad to see you again. As Zbigniew Wodecki sang, I like to be back where I was,” he greeted TVP 1 yesterday and 17 viewers of TVP Info Maciej Orłości. “Teleexpress” enters the modernized tracks, it will work quickly, dynamically, easily, punctually and reliably,” the presenter added.

“Revolutionary approach” in the new “Teleexpress”

Jacek Nizinkiewicz from “Rzeczpospolita”: – I got the impression that time stopped, Orlos did not leave TVP and we returned to the good, energetic editions of the past of “Teleexpress”. It was fun, light and non-aggressive.

Also read: Already after the first “Teleexpress”. Orlos: “I like to go back to where I was already”

Maciej Orłości started “Teleexpress” with chaos on Polish Railways. – We did not start with political or party topics, but with what concerns people – Nizinkevich notes.

Two articles on Polish politics appeared in “Teleexpress”. The first was about the parliamentary mandate of Maciej Wąsik, and the second was about the government program “Mieszkanie na start”. – Both were prepared in compliance with all journalistic standards. After what has been done on TVP for the past eight years, this should be considered a revolutionary approach, comments Janusz Schwertner.

Among others, the “Teleexpress” team includes: Jan Wisniewski, Paulina Heidenreich, Nina Komorovska, Mackay Mikolajczyk. The authors listed in the back row are: Maciej Orłoś, Marcin Chłopaś, Joanna Gabis-Słodownik, Danuta Dobrzyńska-Schimmer (Head of Teleexpress), Marek Wilk and Agnieszka Bereda.

According to Janusz Schwertner, “Teleexpress” looks quite good visually compared to many other formats previously presented by the new TVP. – However, one technical failure, which was probably due to some implementation problems, occurred – he notes.

Music news – instead of Marek Sierok – was presented by music journalist Mateusz Jedrasz, among others. 4fun.tv.

Orlosch is an exemplary public television journalist

Jacek Nizinkiewicz considers the lack of Marek Sierok as a disadvantage in “Teleexpress”. – Although I did not share his musical taste, discopolo or Italian disco propaganda, he was the face, voice and personality of the show. And Marek Sierok was missing. Sieroki made a mistake by staying in TVPiS. Of course, he has done nothing politically wrong since then. Maybe he was just giving face to the authorities, says Nizinkiewicz.

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– It was obvious that there was an attempt to symmetrically represent culture in the musical corner of Mateusz Jedras. On the one hand, punk Green Day, and on the other – Jennifer Lopez. “Teleexpress” always needed a compliment in the form of a musical and cultural interlude and a face we know and appreciate. If nothing is taken away from Mateusz Yedras, he is neither this face nor this voice – adds the journalist.

“Stacja internet” is a new format in “Teleexpress”, which presents videos from social media with a short description.

Janusz Schwertner considers Macie Orlos an exemplary public television journalist. – He inspires confidence, is compassionate and very professional. At the same time, I do not believe that he is subject to any – possible – political pressure. Today, as the anchor of “Teleexpress”, he said that the content will be reliably presented to the audience. And he kept his word, says Schwertner.

“Reliable, concise, without negative message”

– I have the impression that Maciej Orlošči, while preparing for the program, watched his previous releases years ago, or he is just like that and was himself – says Jacek Nizinkiewicz. – “Teleexpress”, first at 17.15, and then at 17:00, established the rhythm of the Poles' day. It was watched because in a short time it was possible to learn about the most important events in Poland and the world. Later it changed – the program without Orlosh was hard and unfermented – says Nizinkevich. – I didn't expect a revolution and I didn't expect it either. I expected it to be reliable, to keep it short and without flashing negative messages. And I got something similar – adds the journalist of “Rzhechpospolita”.

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Janusz Schwertner comments: – It was clear that this was a very important moment for Mackay, this comeback. You can see a little bit of stage fright in it – and that was very good. It's good when you have the same emotions in this profession from time to time.

Maciej Orłości managed “Teleexpress” for 25 years. In 2016, he left TVP Wirtualna Polska, where he hosted a news program on Telewizja WP. Later, among others, he collaborated with Radio Zet and Radio Nowy Świat. He also launched a YouTube channel.

The news programs – “Wiadomości”, “Teleexpress” and “Panorama” – were pulled from the TVP antennas on Wednesday, December 20, following a change of management in the company represented by the Minister of Culture Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz. “Wiadomości” will be replaced by “19.30” service from Thursday, December 21.

Also read: In the new “press”: Chuchnovsky about borders, Kamel a little soft, nuclear Polsat and funny Romek.

(KOZ, ME, 05/01/2024)

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