We cannot ignore what happened in Polish public media and how many people were affected by this media. We have a situation where we are restoring constitutionality and we are looking for some legal basis to do so Bodnar said on Zet radio.

A fragment of the interview was published on X (formerly Twitter) by Supreme Court judge Kamil Zaradkevich. “This quote will forever become the motto of Mr. Bodnar and his followers.” – he wrote.


Public media is in liquidation

On December 20, the Ministry of Culture announced that the head of the ministry, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, dismissed the current presidents of the governing boards of Telewizja Polska, Polish Radio and the Polish Press Agency, as well as the supervisory boards. The minister appointed new supervisory boards of the companies, which appointed new management boards.

On Wednesday, Sienkiewicz decided to charge TVP, PR and PAP state of liquidation. He justified his decision by vetoing President Andrzej Duda's budget act, which included funds for financing public media.

Who is Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz?

Born in 1961 in Kielce, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz is a historian, publicist, politician and former officer of the State Protection Service (UOP). In 1990-2022, he served as an officer of this service with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

From 2013 to 2014, he held the position of Minister of Internal Affairs and coordinator of secret services. After the tape scandal, he disappeared from public life for a while.

In 2019, he was elected as a member of the Seimas for the 9th term, running on the Civil Coalition list in the Kielce district. He was re-elected in 2023. On December 13 of this year, he was appointed as the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the government of Donald Tusk.

Also read:
Tusk dismissed the board members of the War Loss Institute. That's not all

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