– There are two men – Vasik and Kaminski, who were sentenced to two years in prison by the final verdict of the court. Mr. President There is nothing to say about it – Deputy Minister Shmishek said.

He added that in his opinion The president broke the law by inviting convicted MPs to PiS.

– Subject that obstructs the execution of a court decision, may also be subject to prosecution, But these are issues for the future, said the left-wing politician.

K. Shimishek: This is spitting in the face of real political prisoners

According to Krzysztof Šimišek, calling convicted politicians political prisoners insults the victims of political persecution.

– Let Mr. Kaminski and Mr. Vasik meet face-to-face with people like Ales Bialacki and Andrzej Pozobut, who are fighting for freedom in Belarusian prisons. Comparing yourself to people who are really sufferingbeaten, tortured, It is spitting in the face of real political prisoners – she said.

Bogdan Rimanovski asked about the search by the police of cars leaving the office of the President.

look: Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik issued a statement. “We're not hiding”

– I don't see anything strange about the police looking for cars where fugitives might be hiding, he said. The politician admitted that he could imagine that Kaminsky and Vesik would try to escape from the presidential palace.

Mr. Kaminski and Vesik are no better. If you or I commit a crime, no one will be angry. They will catch us, – said the politician.

Video: Krzysztof Szymišek “Event Guest”

“Police have an obligation to bring convicts”

During the conversation, information emerged that The police arrested convicted politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik..

– It doesn't matter whether you are hiding in the president's palace, the bishop's palace or the brush closet. The police have all rights and all duties to arrest convicted persons – said Krzysztof Szymišek.

In his opinion, the decisions of the Constitutional Tribunal and one of the chambers of the Supreme Court are not valid.

There is no legal dualism. In such a case, I can refer to the decision of the state mining services, he said.

Krzysztof Śmišek referred to the words of the Prime Minister, who on Tuesday cited provisions of the Criminal Code regarding assistance to wanted convicts. In his opinion, Donald Tusk's words were a warning, not a threat.

K. Szymishek: The president must take into account his actions

– quoted the Prime Minister Laws that apply to everyoneMr. President Duda, Mr. Editor Rimanovski and Mr. Shimishek. There is no exception here. If someone is knowingly subject to criminal liability, we have a situation where the president is complicit in breaking the law, he said.

According to the deputy minister The President can respond to the State Tribunal for his actions.

This procedure should be reviewedIf this continues, I think the president should take his actions into account. He is a lawyer, he is a lawyer, he knows the risks of violating the provisions of criminal law – said the politician.

“The president does not want to admit his mistake”

The host of the program asked about the possibility of a second pardon for Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vasik.

– Mr. President is against admitting his mistake and the fact that he does not know the provisions of the Polish Constitution. This is the sovereign decision of the president, the left-wing politician said.

– The president also has the right to use the right of pardon to remove this sentence. Today you have been entered into the National Criminal Register, said Krzysztof Szymischek. He added that the initiative belongs to President Andrzej Duda.

Previous episodes of Event Guest are available 𝐆.

kjt/lmo/ac / Polsat News

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