on 16 started”Protest of free Poles“Organized by Yaroslav Kaczynski's party.

The formation announced the demonstration as a form of opposition to the actions of Prime Minister Donald Tusk's government towards the state media. The protest also concerns the imprisonment of PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

PiS protest. Kaczynski: March through the institutions

Jaroslaw Kaczynski gave a speech before 5 p.m. He told the audience that the protest cannot be a one-off. He also said that “German imperialism is making a comeback.”

– This concerns Poland. We are talking about free media, which is being destroyed at the moment. They want a monopoly here. We say – violation of the rule of law, constitution, trampling of the law. Yes, it's all true. Such a process in all institutions that control the government, which were built this way, sometimes better, sometimes worse, precisely to control the government. This is also happening at the moment. and Going by their statements, yes, they are going to destroy or take over all these institutions and ultimately destroy the office of the President. – Yaroslav Kaczynski expressed his concern.

Kaczynski: The Final Battle

The leader of PiS emphasized that this cannot be allowed. Then he spoke about the possible introduction of the euro currency in Poland.

– This is a plan to greatly rob Poland and Poles. Because the introduction of the Euro is a great robbery, a great reduction in the standard of living and a complete economic dependence on Germany. It also means taking a lot of our resources that we have in the National Bank. Therefore Attack on the National BankAn attempt to seize this extremely important institution – said Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

– However, we have to fight like this This final battle must take place at the ballot box. Which we have to watch very carefully, because no one knows what happened in this election and this referendum. I am not in favor of non-recognition of these elections, I only state that in many cases the elections were not secret and various kinds of abuse could have happened – Jaroslaw Kaczynski called during the protest of free Poles.

PiS President about Vesik and Kaminski

Kaczynski also spoke about the case of Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński.

– There is an idea that should be considered. Some of you are going to Radom through Radom, and some of you are going through Ostrolenka. Stop in front of these prisons and there briefly demonstrate the demand to release Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic, two of our colleagues, comrades, friends, because they are in prison for fighting corruption at the highest level of society. Those who rule today disagree, he suggested.

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