President of PiS, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, spoke at the conference “Whose society? Threats related to trends of change in the European Union” organized by this party.

The politician pointed to the latter Activities of government bodies in the field of the National Prosecutor's Office and the arrest of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.In short, the law does not apply. Law is what Tusk wants. It is impossible to live in such a country. This is not a democratic state. This constitution is practically no longer valid. We have to talk about it out loud, emphasized the PiS president.

“Truly terrible things are happening”

Kaczynski claims that “today we are dealing with a dangerous situation”. Two of our colleagues, illegally convicted in two prisons and placed in extremely difficult conditions, are on hunger strike. This is a situation that poses a direct threat to one of them, that is, a threat to his life. Therefore, we must take additional actions and organize appropriate pressure. How we do it is another matter, but I want the public to know that there are really terrible things happening here. Prosecutor Bodnar receives nothing. Therefore, all this can end tragically. Therefore, public awareness on this matter is necessary and now I have the opportunity to tell the public about it, he said.

The president of PiS emphasized that his party was not passive. – There are many initiatives from the PiS side against these actions and these initiatives will be implemented, because we will not tolerate what is happening now. Prosecutor Bodnar should take immediate measures, but this is a matter of will and decency. We cannot change these people, but we can put pressure and make the public aware of how far these things have gone, what this government – the Tusk government – is going to do, because it is they who are ultimately responsible for all of this. – said the politician.

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