“Law and Justice” organized a press conference on Wednesday Dedicated to the recent actions of the government towards TVP. Jaroslaw Kaczynski and Mariusz Blaszczak called on Poles to participate in the demonstration to protect the media.

In his speech, the President of PiS mainly spoke about PO's takeover of public media and called for participation in the demonstration planned for January 11.

After its release, each editor could ask one question

Kaczynski's clash with journalists

First the editor of TVN spoke and asked Kaczynski if he would like to “phone the president of TVP”, then the journalist of TVN24 asked about the case of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik, who appeared in the Sejm hall despite the expiration of the deadline. mandate. For his part, Patrik Michalski of Wirtualna Polska asked whether Kaczynski “does not see hypocrisy in the actions of some PiS politicians” regarding public media not protesting when TVP was “a mouthpiece for PiS propaganda”.

– I leave aside your characterizations, which are a propaganda act, but despite this, remember that on the other side we had TVN, which, when it comes to lack of objectivity, tried to discredit the government. Beating TVP, even if we accept your false claims, . What was happening there was beyond all comprehension. One giant scandal – said the president of PiS.

Despite the politicians' questions, journalists were not interested in the topic of the conference. After that, Kaczynski himself spoke.

– You are in a hopeless situation. What is happening in Poland is insecure. You pay to protect it. I'm sorry, said the PiS president and then left the room.

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(tags translated)Jaroslaw Kaczynski

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