How do you assess the law and justice of the demonstration organized in Warsaw? Can we talk about the success of the opposition society?

Sebastian Kaleta: This is the success of free Poles who are against the rule of lawlessness that has been going on in Poland for a month now. The protesters showed that they do not want a Poland where people are aggressive, illegally access public media or illegally arrested. Donald Tusk has been sent a signal that if he continues to make these decisions, there will be more protesters at every march.

How would you rate President Duda's move to re-pardon Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic??

Let's start with the fact that MPs Kaminski and Vesik are prisoners. This is because the police entered the presidential palace illegally and the president's associates say it was legal. In addition, the closest associates of the president claim that the act of mercy issued by the president to MPs Kaminski and Vesik is ineffective. This is what amazes me in the first place. However, as far as the President's move is concerned, the new government is creeping him out, but the President has decided that he is going beyond that and will take actions aimed at restoring the rule of law in this aspect of the state's functioning. People who have been illegally deprived of their freedom must be freed. The President chose the formula allowed by law to have the Minister of Justice handle the entire case. These are vain hopes, but I want to be wrong.

Do you think MPs Kaminski and Vesik will be able to return to the Sejm after being released from prison?

Yes. They are still MPs.

What will happen if Marshall Holonia starts the procedure of appointing new deputies instead?

They were pardoned and all the decisions issued by the judges of justice are illegal documents. The Audit Chamber of the Supreme Court stated that they are MPs and any other opinion and action against them in this case is irrelevant and ineffective. Kaminski and Vesik, regardless of whether they are in prison or free, are still members of the Sejm.

Also read:
Rosa Thun to a German journalist: the road to the rule of law is difficult
Also read:
Scheuring-Wielgus: The president got angry and acted soft

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