How do you assess the arrest of MPs Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik, which took place in the presidential palace?

Piotr Kaleta: The case of the ministers is scandalous and disgusting. There are no words to describe what is happening. This is disgusting on a global scale. We can safely say that the head of state is in great danger. The president deserves protection like a dog deserves soup, and at the moment that protection depends on Mr. Kierwinski, who I am ashamed to call a minister. If this is the case, the person who should now come into play is General Kukula, who should provide military security for the President. If the head of state, the commander of the armed forces is excluded from state protection, the only institution that can provide this security is the Polish army or military police.

So the army should protect the president instead of SOP?

I believe that the movement is currently on the side of the Polish army. They are obliged to protect the President and his facilities. The President is not only a person, but an institution that owns buildings and for which ministers and officials work. When the security of the state is undermined, we need to take effective measures.

How do you comment on the words of the head of the presidential office, who said that when President Duda wanted to leave Belvedere, a public transport bus blocked the exit? Coincidence or not? President Trzaskovsky makes fun of these words on the social network.

President Trzaszkowski should not comment on this matter in general, because as the mayor of the city responsible for transport, he should clarify this matter as soon as possible. When I heard that pneumatic air is gone, every truck driver – and I am, because I ran a construction company and owned several trucks before entering politics – knows that it does not cause the brakes to tighten. This car could easily throw off the handbrake. Therefore, such a failure was something well planned, because there is also an upswing. Someone must have known very well that this bus would be hanging there. There were probably people around the belvedere reporting on the traffic in the square, everything was coordinated. This should be checked and Rafal Trzaszkowski should check it. This is also the prosecutor's job. If this was a deliberate act, it should have been planned much earlier.

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Detention of MPs. European Commission representative: We do not comment on specific events in EU countries
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