On Tuesday evening, the police entered the presidential palace. Former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration and former head of CBA Mariusz Kaminski and his former deputy Maciej Wąsik They were arrested.

At that time, President Andrzej Duda was in the Belvedere Palace, where he met with representatives of the Belarusian society and the leader of the Belarusian opposition Sviatlana Tsykhanuskaia.

Protest rally near the presidential palace

The rally in front of the presidential palace was already planned for 20:00. About half an hour before the start of the event, police officers entered the palace and arrested the politicians of Law and Justice.

After Kaminski and Vesik were arrested, about 300 demonstrators gathered in front of the presidential palace, RMF FM radio reports. The participants of the rally were holding red and white flags and banners. The organizers announced a similar action on Wednesday.


Demonstrators also gathered on Grenadierov Street in front of the police headquarters, where Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic were taken. Among other things, the participants of the rally shouted: “Political prisoners” and “Down with communism”. The Polish national anthem was also performed. Police officers are standing in line in front of the building.

PiS politicians appeared on the scene, including: party president Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Przemysław Čarnek and Piotr Glinski.

The case of Kaminski and Vesik

We remind you that the former heads of the CEC stayed in December sentenced by final judgment The so-called land scandal for their activities in prison, despite the fact that in 2015 President Andrzej Duda used the amnesty law against them (after an indefinite sentence). – The president's pardon is legal. When the president made this decision in 2015, there was a very thorough review of the government's position. Opinions were divided, but there were also very serious voices, which clearly indicated that the pardon is the so-called Individual cancellation – explained Malgorzata Paprocka from the President's Office on Zet Radio.

Kaminski and Vesik do not recognize either the court verdict or the decision to terminate the parliamentary mandate.

Also read:
We know where the arrested Kaminski and Vesik were sent. The lawyer confirms
Also read:
“Coup d'état”, “Everyone is equal before the law”. After the arrest of Kaminski and Vesik, the Internet is boiling

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