The Supreme Court will review Dismissal of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik From the decision of Marshal Shimon Holounya on the expiration of the mandate. The Supreme Court will discuss the issue on January 10 at 10:00 a.m.

In the TV studio, Mariusz Kaminski was asked if he was afraid that the police would stop them on the way to the broadcast. – Minister Shmishek said that we can expect him at any time of the day or night. Then he realized that this is governed by regulations. But the present government seems to have little regard for regulations, procedures, law and a common sense of human decency. During the games, we knew all the party emotions. The new government seems to be paving the way for the new Polish reality – answered the former head of the CBA.

Kaminsky recalled that “this government was created symbolically on December 13.” Symbolically, when we have to go to prison to fight corruption at the highest levels of government, Minister Karpinski, a close associate of the current Prime Minister, is released from prison and goes straight from prison to Brussels as a member of the European Parliament to do the job. There is a public function – he said.

Kaminsky: I'm innocent. I fought against corruption

The former head of internal affairs and administration claims that “he is an innocent person who acted in the name of public interests, the interests of the Polish state.” He fought corruption at the highest level of government, and only because of this, a situation may arise where the president's decision will not be respected and I will end up in prison, he noted.

Is Mariusz Kaminski afraid of staying in prison? – I have been an activist of the democratic opposition since the 1980s, in fact, I have been on the front line for almost 45 years. I was active in the underground. This is a continuation of the work of my early youth. I keep in mind that they can send the cops on me any day. Mr. Shmishek and Bodnar have already prepared the cells for me. I will probably meet many people there. I am proud to say that during the time I was in charge of the secret services, 101 Russian and Belarusian agents were neutralized, 46 were arrested, some of them are in prison. Before this, 14 voluntarily applied for the punishment. The prisons we go to will probably have these agents, he said.

Also read:
“Holovnia's Rough Set.” It is known which chamber of the Supreme Court will consider the case of Kaminsky and Vesik
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Szczecin: corruption in the hospital. In the background was the Speaker of the Senate

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