32. Final The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity It will be held on Sunday, January 28. “Lungs after the pandemic. We play for children and adults!” – This is the slogan of the event organized by Izhi Ovsiak.

The Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, Markin Kierwinski, said that officers and employees of the Police, State Fire Service, Border Guard and State Security Service will participate in this year's finale of the Christmas Charity Orchestra. Subordinate services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The administration will also take care of the safety of the participating volunteers.”

Kiervinsky's letter to the services

“Minister Markin Kierwinski has sent a letter to officers and staff of the Home Office and various services under the administration, urging them to take part in the 32nd Christmas Charity Grand Orchestra Final. We want employees and employees of the police, state fire service. , the border guard and the State Security Service to be involved in this beautiful and noble initiative”, reads the statement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Administration.

Polish women and men have been involved in the collection of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity for years. Thanks to our generosity, we managed to collect about PLN 2 billion. It shows how big and open our hearts are when we help others. I am sure it will be the same this year and we will once again support the orchestra with the gift of our hearts– writes Kirvinsky.

The head of internal affairs and administration noted that helping others is one of the most important tasks of the police, state fire service, border guard and state security service. “In the course of your duty, you often come across human suffering – you help victims of accidents or crimes. You know very well that life and health are the highest values. Therefore, I deeply believe that you will actively participate in this year's Christmas Charity Grand Orchestra Finale and help the needy, which I sincerely encourage you to do.“- he addressed.

I am sure that the great Christmas Charity Orchestra, supported by police officers and civil servants, the State Fire Service, the Border Patrol and the State Security Service, will play until the end of the world and for one more day!“- Minister Kiervinsky emphasizes.

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